Centre for Journalology

Welcome to The Centre for Journalology

Journalology is the science of publication practices and the study of these activities. Our group conducts research and gives outreach on a wide range of journalology topics. The Centre for Journalology is based in the Methods Centre of the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (OHRI) and operates under the leadership of Dr. David Moher. Our goal is to help enhance the reporting quality of research in order to increase the value of biomedical research.



Predatory journals

Our team is active studying predatory journals. Predatory journals operate with self-interest in mind. They do not value publication ethics or best practice. Our research on predatory journals looks to understand how predatory journals operate and develop solutions (e.g. tools, policy) to stop predatory journals.


Reporting Guidelines

Our team works to develop and update reporting guidelines including CONSORT, SPIRIT, PRISMA, PRISMA-P, and STARD. We also evaluate the implementation and uptake of reporting guidelines.


Research(er) Assessment

Our team is looking at ways we might re-evaluate how we evaluate researchers and research outputs. Examples of ongoing work include an assessment of criteria for tenure and promotion, and work looking to develop, implement, and monitor improved metric systems.

Ottawa Data Champions

Our team works to develop a pan-Ottawa data champions program and research data management (RDM) training program to improve the quality of data management and sharing in biomedicine.

Stay in the know about journalology

Our Centre has created a series of resources for researchers. These resources will help support researchers publishing transparently, ethically, and openly. The resources are targeted to OHRI-based researchers, but are likely to be broadly applicable to biomedical researchers. 


Centre for Journalology Speaker Series
EQUATOR Canada Publication School

November 20th-21st, 2019

University of Ottawa – Alta Vista Campus, Peter Morand Building 850 Peter Morand Crescent Room 124

Team Members

Stay in the know about predatory journals

Members of our Centre have created a one stop shop of resources for users like patients/public/journalists, researchers, and funders. This site describes predatory journals, their impact on several stakeholder groups, and practical solutions to implement for each group.



OHRI serves as the EQUATOR Canada host site. The focus of the Canadian EQUATOR Centre is on initiatives that have relevant downstream consequences for the conduct and reporting of biomedical research.                                                                                     


COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics)

OHRI/uOttawa are serving as COPE pilot research institutions. Research institutions are often the location where publication transgressions first occur – institutions, journals, and editors need to work together to maintain publication best practices.

The Centre for Journalology in the Media

Our Centre is keen to communicate our work to the patients and to the public. Browse our database of recent media coverage and blog activities to learn more.