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Susan Humphrey

Susan Humphrey

Clinician Investigator, Inflammation & Chronic Disease
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute

Research Interests

Medical Education; Assessment, Feedback, Non physician Raters
Consensus Group Methods (Delphi, Nominal Group Technique)

Brief Biography

Dr. Humphrey-Murto completed her MD and Internal Medicine studies at the University of Ottawa followed by Rheumatology training and a Masters in Education at the University of Toronto, Canada. As a clinician educator Dr. Humphrey-Murto maintains an active clinical practice at The Arthritis Center in General Rheumatology and at the Women’s Health Center in osteoporosis.

Her research interests involve performance based assessment, the use of non experts in evaluation and teaching and the use of consensus group methods in education research. She has completed a book chapter on the Objective Structured Clinical Examination which is published in the Oxford Textbook of Medical Education.

She presently has several administrative roles including Director of Education Research for the Department of Medicine, University of Ottawa; Director, Department of Innovation in Medical Education (DIME); Director of the uOSSC/DIME Fellowship in Medical Education and is Co-Chair for the Education Research and Development Committee of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

Selected Publications

Humphrey-Murto S, Varpio L, Wood TJ, Gonsalves C, Ufholz L, Mascioli K, Wang C, Foth T. The Use of the Delphi and Other Consensus Group Methods in Medical Education: A Review. Acad Med. 2017;92:1491.98.

Humphrey-Murto S, Varpio L, Gonsalves C, Wood TJ. AMEE Guide in Medical Education: Using Consensus Group methods such as Delphi and Nominal Group in Medical Education Research. Medical Teacher 2017; 39 (1): 14-19.

Foth T, Efstathiou N, Vanderspank B, Ufholz LA, Dütthorn N, Zimansky M, Humphrey-Murto, S. The Use of Delphi and Nominal Group Technique in Nursing Education. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2016; 60: 112-20.

Humphrey-Murto S, Leddy J, Wood TJ, Puddester D, Moineau G. Medical School Admission: Does Emotional Intelligence Predict Future Academic Performance? Academic Medicine 2014; 89 (4): 638-43.

Wood TJ, Humphrey-Murto S, Norman GR. Standard Setting in a Small Scale OSCE: A comparison of the Modified Borderline-Group Method and the Borderline Regression Method, Advances in Health Sciences Education, 2006; 11:115-122.