Driving and Sustaining Improvements in Health care - Twitter Post

Presentations - October 26

Noah Ivers – Updating the Cochrane audit & feedback review-completing a decade long odyssey
Lynne Moore – 
Economic evaluation of audit & feedback interventions: A systematic review

Michael Sykes – An evaluation of quality  improvement collaboratives aligned to a national audit to improve the uptake of insulin pumps for people with diabetes

Émilie Dufour – How can audit and feedback be designed and implemented with a nursing team to support quality improvement? Findings from a pilot study in primary care

Timothy Tuti – Audit & feedback approaches for supporting a low-cost neonatal and paediatric learning health system in Kenya: Challenges and lessons learnt so far

Celia Laur – Sustainability, spread and scale in trials of audit and feedback interventions: A narrative synthesis sub-study of a systematic review
Michelle Bailey – Implementation of a multifaceted audit and feedback intervention to scale and spread bronchiolitis appropriate care in Alberta

Presentations - October 27

Nera Agabiti– Introduction to EASY-NET
Anna Acampora – Audit and feedback for improving healthcare for chronic patients in a Primary Care setting: Experience with a group of General Practitioners in Italy
Laura Angelici – Audit & feedback design and implementation in emergency care: The experience in the Lazio Region
Eva Pagano – Effectiveness of audit & feedback in improving cancer care quality within a regional oncology network: The ERAS Piemonte studies

Laura Desveaux – Moving from ‘what’ to ‘how’: Understanding how physicians engage with audit and feedback
Eilidh Duncan – What are the boundary conditions for audit and feedback?

Jung-Yin Tsang – Systematic review and narrative synthesis of computerized audit and feedback systems in healthcare
Caitlin Wilson – Feedback in an ambulance service setting: Developing an initial programme theory

Presentations - October 28

Denise O’Connor– Effect of audit and feedback on rates of musculoskeletal diagnostic imaging requests by Australian general practitioners: A  factorial cluster randomised controlled trial
Seán MacBride-Stewart – Simple feedback in a complex process – is it enough?

Tasneem Khan – Campaign to Lower AntiMicrobial Prescribing (LAMP) in general practice – an enhanced feedback intervention
Steve Van den Bulck – Automated audit & feedback as a tool to implement antibiotic stewardship in primary care using the Intego database
Kevin Schwartz – An introduction to the Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance – Primary Care Antibiotic Audit and Feedback Network (JPIAMR-PAAN)

Robbie Foy, Sarah Alderson, David Kaplan, Timothy Tuti – Audit and Feedback – Looking back and looking forward