Our Team
The Centre for Implementation Research includes professionals from multidisciplinary fields. The interdisciplinary and complementary nature of our expertise promotes the application of a range of theories, methods and tools to a variety research areas and healthcare priorities and ensures every project is considered from multiple perspectives.
Multidisciplinary Fields
- Cognitive psychology
- Epidemiology
- Health economics
- Health psychology
- Health services research
- Knowledge translation science
- Medical sociology
- Medicine
- Nursing
- Population health
- Statistics
- Other health and behavioural sciences
Angel Arnaout
Scientist, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Professor of Surgery, University of Ottawa
Surgical Oncologist, The Ottawa Hospital
- Surgical oncology
- De-implementation of low-value care in cancer and surgery
- Knowledge mobilization and physician practice change in cancer
- Real world implementation of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and digital therapeutics
- 613-798-5555 x 79071
- anarnaout@toh.ca
Sylvain Boet
Scientist, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Associate Professor, University of Ottawa
Anesthesiologist, The Ottawa Hospital
- Medical education and Anesthesiology
- Knowledge translation and implementation science
- Medical education
- Simulation
- Metaresearch
- Critical care
- Prehospital emergency medicine
- 613-737-8899 x 7305
- sboet@toh.on.ca
- @Sylvainboet
Jamie Brehaut
Senior Scientist, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Full Professor, University of Ottawa
- Cognitive psychology
- Implementation Science
- Using psychological theory to support health care practice change
- Optimizing practice feedback for healthcare providers
- Methodological and ethical challenges for healthcare research
- Counteracting healthcare misinformation
- 613-737-8899 x 73820
- jbrehaut@ohri.ca
Melissa Brouwers
Director and Full Professor, School of Epidemiology and Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa
- Psychology
- Knowledge translation
- Implementation science
- Practice guidelines
- Evaluation
- Measurement
- Evidence-based/ Evidence-informed decision making
- 613-562-5800 x8159
- melissa.brouwers@uottawa.ca
Ian Graham
Senior Scientist, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Full Professor, University of Ottawa
- Medical sociology
- Implementation research
- Integrated knowledge translation
- Health services research
- 613-737-8899 x 73851
- igraham@ohri.ca
Jeremy Grimshaw
Senior Scientist Emeritus, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Full Professor, University of Ottawa
- Health services research
- Professional behaviour change
- Implementation research
- Cluster randomized trials
- Systematic reviews
- 613-737-8899 x 73810
- jgrimshaw@ohri.ca
- @GrimshawJeremy
David Moher
Senior Scientist, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Full Professor, University of Ottawa
- Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Systematic reviews
- Meta-analyses
- Journalology (publication science)
- 613-737-8899 x 79424
- dmoher@ohri.ca
- @dmoher
Krystina Lewis
Associate Professor, University of Ottawa
Affiliate Researcher, University of Ottawa Heart Institute
- Nursing
- Integrated knowledge translation
- Implementation research
- Shared decision-making
- Decision support interventions
- Patient and family engagement
- Cardiovascular nursing
Justin Presseau
Senior Scientist, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Associate Professor, University of Ottawa
Program Director, Methodological and Implementation Research, OHRI
- Health psychology
- Behavioural medicine
- Prioritization and multiple behaviour change
- Knowledge translation/implementation research
- Health behaviour change
- Health care professional behaviour change
- Habit, routines, and automaticity
- Theory-based process evaluation of interventions alongside trials
- 613-737-8899 x 73821
- jpresseau@ohri.ca
- @JPresseau
Janet Squires
Senior Scientist, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Full Professor, University of Ottawa
- Nursing
- Healthcare professional behaviour change
- Knowledge translation/implementation research
- Intervention design
- Organizational context
- Measurement (survey development and psychometric evaluation)
- Quantitative and mixed methods research
- Systematic reviews
- 613-737-8899 x 73810
- jasquires@ohri.ca
Dawn Stacey
Senior Scientist, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Full Professor, University of Ottawa
- Nursing
- Knowledge translation to patients
- Patient decision aid development
- Evaluation and appraisal
- Decision coaching
- Implementation of decision aids and decision coaching into practice
- Telephone based- care
- Interprofessional approaches to shared decision-making
- 613-737-8899 x 73817
- dstacey@ohri.ca
- @d_stacey
Monica Taljaard
Senior Scientist, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Associate Professor, University of Ottawa
- Biostatistics
- Design, analysis, and reporting of cluster randomized trials
- Longitudinal data analysis
- Multilevel modeling
- Missing data
- Quasi-experimental designs
- Clinical prediction rules
- Risk-adjustment and provider profiling
- 613-798-5555 x 18618
- mtaljaard@ohri.ca
Kednapa Thavorn
Senior Scientist, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Associate Professor, University of Ottawa
- Health economics and pharmacy
- Health economics
- Health technology assessment
- Pharmacoepidemiology
- Pharmaceutical policy
- Health services research
- Health equity/access to care
- Health behaviours/health promotion
- Medication safety
- Care for patients with complex needs
- 613-737-8899 x 72330
- kthavorn@ohri.ca
- @kednapat
Visiting Scientists
Noah Ivers
Visiting Scientist, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Assistant Professor, University of Toronto
Family Physician, Women's College Hospital
- Clinical epidemiology
- Complex interventions
- Implementation science
- Knowledge translation
- Pragmatic trials
- Program evaluations
- Systematic reviews on health system quality improvement
- 416 323 6400 x 4301
- Noah.ivers@utoronto.ca
- @NoahIvers
Holly Witteman
Visiting Scientist, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Associate Professor, Université Laval
- Human factors engineering
- Human-computer interaction in health education
- Communication and decision making
- Design methods
- Human-centred/User-centred design
- Usability and user experience
- Risk communication
- Values clarification
- Values-congruent decisions
- Visualization
- Digital and social media in health communication
- Designing for equity, access and inclusion
- 418-656-2131 ext. 3981
- Holly.Witteman@fmed.ulaval.ca
- @hwitteman
Jill Francis
Visiting Senior Scientist, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Professor Implementation Science, School of Health Sciences, University of Melbourne
- Health and social psychology
- Knowledge translation/implementation research
- Application and development of complex intervention methodology in randomized trials
- Use of applied research to test and develop theories
Kelly Carroll
Research Coordinator
- Psychology
- Brehaut group & PaHRG
- Implementation Science
- Ethical issues around recruitment and participation in clinical trials
- Applying behavioural theory to clinical trial participation decisions
- Healthcare misinformation
Dr. Jacob Crawshaw
Senior Methodologist
- Health services research
- Presseau group & PaHRG
- Application of theory and systematic methods to develop and evaluate complex behaviour change interventions
- Treatment adherence
- Secondary prevention in cardiovascular disease
- Audit and feedback
- Decision-making near end-of-life
Chloé Desjardins
Research Coordinator
- Anthropology
- Presseau group & PaHRG
Mackenzie Dowson
Research Assistant
- Psychology
- Presseau group & PaHRG
Dr. Cole Etherington
Senior Research Associate
- Sociology
- Presseau group & PaHRG
- Applying intersectionality to implementation science
- Community-based research
- Health equity
- Chickens
Emily Gibson
Research Coordinator
- Social work
- Presseau group & PaHRG
- Knowledge mobilization
- Community & patient engagement
- Interdisciplinary service system collaboration
- Hoarding & mental health
- Blood/plasma, organ and tissue donation
Alyssa Grant
Research Assistant
- Epidemiology
- Thavorn group
- Aging
- Health Economics
- Health Services Research
- Ocular Epidemiology
- Pharmacoepidemiology
Dr. Natasha Hudek
Research Associate
- Psychology
- Brehaut group & PaHRG
- Knowledge translation/implementation science
- Research methods
- Applying behavioural theory to clinical trial participation decisions
- Health care professional behaviour change
- Applying behavioural theory to health misinformation/disinformation
- Child and youth health/mental health
Stefanie Linklater
Research Program Manager
- Cellular & Molecular Medicine
- Grimshaw & Presseau group
- Audit & feedback
- De-implementation
- Implementation science
- Theoretical Domains Framework
Dr. Alexander Lithopoulos
Research Coordinator
- Health Promotion
- Ottawa Methods Centre
- Behavioural medicine/science
- Communication/persuasion
- Social marketing
- Branding
- Knowledge translation/implementation
- Clinical practice and patient guidelines
Chris McCutcheon
Manager, Integrated Knowledge Translation Research Network
- Social & Political Thought
- Graham group
- Integrated Knowledge Translation/research co-production
- Policy learning, policy mobilities and the social determinants of health
Sameh Mortazhejri
Research Coordinator
- Epidemiology
- Grimshaw group
- De-implementation
Dr. Jen Olson
Senior Methodologist
- Psychology
- Presseau group & PaHRG
- Implementation Science
- Implementation sustainment
- Behavioural Science
- Behaviour change
- Behaviour change maintenance
- Patient oriented research
- Dual-process theories,
- Habit theory
- Motivation theory
- Methodological approaches
- Chronic disease
- Under-served and marginalized populations
Amelia Palumbo
Research Assistant
- Health psychology
- Presseau group & PaHRG
- Behavioural science
- Health behaviour change
- Stigmatized populations
Alfonso Ortiz
Research Coordinator
- Health sciences
- Grimshaw group
- De-implementation
- Critical care nutrition
- Fundamentals of clinical trials
- Clinical epidemiology
- Systematic reviews & meta-analysis
- Knowledge translation
Dr. Andrea Patey
Senior Research Associate
- Health psychology
- Grimshaw group & PaHRG
- Behavioural medicine
- De-implementation vs. implementation
- Knowledge translation/ implementation research
- Health care professional behaviour change
- Application of theory and systematic methods to develop and evaluate complex behaviour change interventions
- Theory-based process evaluation of interventions alongside trials
Min Xi
Research Assistant
- Health technology assessment
- Thavorn group
- Health services research
- Health technology assessment
- Inequities in healthcare access
- Neuromuscular conditions
Sharlini Yogasingam
Research Coordinator
- Psychology
- Grimshaw group
- Evidence synthesis
- Living systematic reviews