–Case examples of Data Management Plans (DMP) – Coming soon.
External resources
UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science
The UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science provides an international framework for open science policy and practice that recognizes disciplinary and regional differences in open science perspectives. It takes into account academic freedom, gender-transformative approaches and the specific challenges of scientists and other open science actors in different countries and in particular in developing countries, and contributes to reducing the digital, technological and knowledge divides existing between and within countries. For more information, access the website at https://www.unesco.org/en/natural-sciences/open-science.
Digital Research Alliance of Canada – DMP assistant
The DMP Assistant is a national, online, bilingual data management planning tool developed by the Digital Research Alliance of Canada (the Alliance) in collaboration with host institution University of Alberta to assist researchers in preparing data management plans (DMPs). This tool is freely available to all researchers and develops a DMP through a series of key data management questions, supported by best-practice guidance and examples. Access DMP Assistant.
NIH Data Management and Sharing resources
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) provides several resources on data management and sharing. The NIH website includes information about planning and budgeting for data management, best practices for data management and sharing, and different methods for data sharing and selecting data repositories.