Ottawa Methods Center (OMC)

Ottawa Methods Centre

Patient Oriented Research (POR) Methods

Scientific Lead: Dr. Dean Fergusson

The Ottawa Methods Centre (OMC) is one of twelve members of the Ontario SPOR SUPPORT Unit (OSSU) funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research to provide the necessary methodological expertise to investigators pursuing patient-oriented research.

This strategy aims to transform how health research is conducted in Ontario and Canada by ensuring patient engagement throughout the process. Locally, we are tasked with providing methodological guidance to Ontario-based investigators conducting Patient-Oriented Research (POR). This guidance involves providing methods consultations on research protocols to Ontario researchers who will be applying to CIHR or OSSU-specific calls for funding. We will be providing methods training related to POR both in-house and externally with the aim of developing a suite of training materials across the vast area that POR encompasses. Moreover, we will be identifying gaps in evidence through the consultation and training process and a POR methods research agenda will be developed and prioritized with two POR-related methods projects completed annually.

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