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Professor of Anesthesiology
1053 Carling Ave, Room B311
Ottawa ON, K1Y 4E9

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Colin McCartney

Senior Clinician Investigator, Acute Care Research
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Professor, Anesthesiology
University of Ottawa
Head, Anesthesiology
The Ottawa Hospital

Research Interests

Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine

Brief Biography

MD-Granting Institution: Edinburgh University

Advanced Degrees-Granting Institution area of speciality: PhD 2014, Edinburgh University

Speciality Certification- Title Country (year): FRCA, UK 1996; FCARCSI, Ireland 1996; FRCPC, Canada 2005

Link to Google Scholar:

Selected Publications

1: Choi S, Rodseth R, McCartney CJ. Effects of dexamethasone as a local anaesthetic adjuvant for brachial plexus block: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials. Br J Anaesth 2014 112: 427-39.  

2: Nix CM, Margarido CB, Awad IT, Avila A, Cheung JJ, Dubrowski A, McCartney CJ. A scoping review of the evidence for teaching ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2013; 38: 471-80.  

3: Webster F, Bremner S, McCartney CJ. Patient experiences as knowledge for the evidence base: a qualitative approach to understanding patient experiences regarding the use of regional anesthesia for hip and knee arthroplasty. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2011; 36: 461-5.  

4: McNaught A, Shastri U, Carmichael N, Awad IT, Columb M, Cheung J, Holtby RM, McCartney CJ. Ultrasound reduces the minimum effective local anaesthetic volume compared with peripheral nerve stimulation for interscalene block. Br J Anaesth. 2011; 106: 124-30.  

5: McCartney CJ, Lin L, Shastri U. Evidence basis for the use of ultrasound for upper-extremity blocks. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2010; 35(2 Suppl): S10-5.