Land Acknowledgement

The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute acknowledges it is located upon the traditional and unceded territory of the Algonquin people. We have the privilege and responsibility to represent and include in our research First Nations, Métis and Inuit of many backgrounds and from many treaty and non-treaty lands and territories and to demonstrate respect for the contributions and cultures of Indigenous Peoples. We also acknowledge traditional knowledge and healing developed over countless generations. The research and experiments that were done on Indigenous people will not be repeated.

The art series Algonquin Ancestral Medicinal Knowledge showcases Algonquin knowledge of medicinal plants and the practice of passing it down through generations. A series collaboration by artists Simon Brascoupé and Mairi Brascoupé from Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg, it features plant images inspired by ancient Algonquin birchbark cut outs used as templates for decorating birchbark baskets and has been shown in museum collections around the world.

Land Acknowledgement

A path to reconciliation

The goal with the art installations featured at all our campuses is to acknowledge whose territory on which we serve and to recognize the connection between the land and the medicines it provides. The land acknowledgment also stands as an important reminder of our work toward reconciliation and to ensuring safe and respectful spaces for First Nation, Inuit and Métis patients and their families.

Learn more on The Ottawa Hospital's website.