Technology Transfer

The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute has made a commitment to innovation and maximizing the impact of its research on health care as well as the local, provincial and national economies. The Technology Transfer Office supports the interactions between the Research Institute, industry and other partners through services such as:
- Creating collaborative, partnered research opportunities
- Establishing technology development partnerships with end-users, government and industry
- Identifying and evaluating research discoveries from the Research Institute
- Coordinating intellectual property protection, where appropriate
- Developing, implementing and supporting strategies for the commercialization and dissemination of research outcomes
- Transferring technology to partners such as end-users, government and industry
- Facilitating and supporting entrepreneurship
- Negotiating research support agreements for the Research Institute's investigators, including non-clinical research contracts, confidentiality and material transfer agreements.
The Technology Transfer Office is also a member of the Ottawa Technology Transfer Network (OTTN), which enables collaboration among the Research Institute, the University of Ottawa and other affiliated institutions such as the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) and the University of Ottawa Heart Institute to facilitate and accelerate the development of innovation resulting from academic inquiry.
For potential partners and industry
Please contact us if you are interested in:
-Partnering with our scientists on research projects
-Assessing or licensing the Research Institute's technology
-Supporting or investing in our research, discovery or technology
For researchers at the Research Institute and The Ottawa Hospital:
Please contact us if you are:
- Developing new, collaborative or sponsored research opportunities
- Looking into exchanging material with third parties
- Would like to discuss potential inventions and intellectual property resulting
from your research
- Are pursuing proof of principle, technology development or partnered granting
For more information, please contact:
Anouk Fortin, PhD
Technology Transfer Office
501 Smyth Road, Box 411
Ottawa ON K1H 8L6
Phone: 613-737-8899, ext. 78930
Fax: 613-737-8803