Debra Eagles profile picture

Contact Information

Debra Eagles, MD, MSc., FRCPC
613-798-5555 x17484

Research Administrator:
Carolyne Kennedy
Tel: 613-798-5555 x18683

Debra Eagles

Scientist, Acute Care Research
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Associate Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine;School of Epidemiology and Public Health
University of Ottawa
Junior Clinical Research Chair, Geriatric Emergency
University of Ottawa

Research Interests

Emergency Medicine
Acute care of older Emergency Department patients
Geriatric trauma

Brief Biography

Dr. Debra Eagles obtained her degree and residency training in Emergency Medicine from the University of Ottawa.  She completed her Research Fellowship and Masters of Science, Epidemiology in 2015.  Her thesis pertained to the evaluation of altered mental status in older Emergency Department patients.   Subsequently, she completed a post-doctoral fellowship at Laval University, participating in a large multi-site study on independent older people presenting to the Emergency Department following minor trauma.  Her work garnered the Grant Innes award for top ranked abstract at the Canadian Association of Emergency Physician Annual Conference.  She has published 282 articles, given 2016 invited presentations and 440 scientific abstract presentations. 

Dr. Eagles is an Associate Scientist with the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, an Associate Professor at the University of Ottawa, Department of Emergency Medicine and the School of Epidemiology and Public Health and an Emergency Physician at The Ottawa Hospital.  Her She holds a Junior Clinical Research Chair in Geriatric Emergency Medicine at the University of Ottawa. Her research focuses on improving the care and outcomes of older patients people presenting to the Emergency Department.  She has a special interest in altered mental status, both dementia and delirium, frailty, and geriatric trauma. 

Diseases, conditions and populations of interest

Older adults
Frailty Delirium Geriatric Trauma Aging; Dementia   

Research and clinical approaches
Clinical research; Emergency medicine

Junior Clinical Research Chair in Geriatric Emergency Medicine, 2020
Grant Innes Research Paper and Presentation Award, 2015 
EM Resident Research Award, 2011 
SAEM Medical Student Excellence in Emergency Medicine Award, 2007 
Outstanding Clinical Performance Award Emergency Medicine, University of Ottawa, 2007 
CAEP Resident Research Award, International Conference of Emergency Medicine, Halifax, 2006 
Summer Research Studentship Award, University of Ottawa, 2005, 2006

Selected Publications

Eagles D, Ellis B, Melady D. Frailty: a key concept to improve older person care. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. Sept 2020; 22(5): 624-625.   

Eagles D, Godwin B, Cheng W, Moors J, Figuiera S, Khoury L, Fournier K, Lampron J. A systematic review and meta-analysis evaluating the impact of geriatric consultation on older trauma patients. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, Mar 2020; 88(3): 446-453.   

Yadav K, Nath A, Suh KN, Sikora L, Eagles D. Treatment Failure Definitions for Non-Purulent Skin and Soft Tissue Infections: A Systematic Review. Infection. Feb 2020; 48(1):75-83.  

Yadav K, Boucher V, Carmichael PH, Eagles D, Voyer P, Emond M. Prospective Evaluation of Serial Ottawa 3DY Assessments to Detect Incident Delirium. Age and Ageing, 2019 Dec 1; 49(1):130-134. 

Parks AR, Eagles D, Ge Y, Stiell IG, Cheung W. Barriers and Enablers that Influence Guideline-Based Care of Geriatric Falls Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department. Emergency Medicine Journal, 2019 Dec; 36(12):741-747.  

Diseases, conditions and populations of interest

Research and clinical approaches