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Contact Information

Daniel McIsaac, MD, MPH, FRCPC

ORCID logo https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8543-1859

Daniel McIsaac

Scientist, Acute Care Research
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Associate Professor, Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine
University of Ottawa
Chair in Innovative Perioperative Care
University of Ottawa
The Ottawa Hospital

Research Interests

  • Clinical trials
  • Perioperative outcomes research
  • Health services research and data science
  • Prehabilitation
  • Care of older people with frailty
  • Knowledge synthesis
  • Anesthesiology and perioperative medicine

Brief Biography

Dan McIsaac is an anesthesiologist and CIHR-funded scientist who combines expertise in data science and clinical trials to improve the outcomes of older people having surgery. Primary focuses in Dan's research include improving perioperative care for older people with frailty, assessing health system performance, and utilization of patient reported outcomes. Dan is currently leading or co-leading two national multicenter studies to improve postoperative outcomes using exercise prehabilitation (PREPARE Trial) and to better understand recovery trajectories after surgery in older people (FIT After Surgery Study).

Selected Publications

Dan's team routinely publishes in high impact general and leading specialty journal such as Annals of Surgery, Anesthesiology, CMAJ and others.
  • For a full and up to date list of Dan's publications please consult PubMed
  • For a summary of Dan's publications and impact please consult GoogleScholar

Diseases, conditions and populations of interest

Research and clinical approaches