Lacoste Lab

Lacoste Lab

Baptiste Lacoste profile picture

Contact Information

What We Do

Studying neuro-vascular interactions is essential to gain a better understanding of brain and mind health. Indeed, the brain is highly dependent on a steady supply of blood, which carries oxygen and nutrients, and therefore this noble organ is particularly vulnerable to inherited and acquired cerebrovascular failures. 

Over the years, Dr. Lacoste has developed an expertise focused on elucidating the mechanisms of cerebrovascular network formation, function, and remodeling in various health and disease contexts. From the Lacoste lab we investigate 1) how cerebrovascular networks form properly after birth, 2) what mechanisms underlie their plasticity, 3) how their integrity is altered in neurological conditions, and 4) how targeting cerebrovascular remodeling may offer innovative therapeutic options throughout life.

Ultimately, identifying key cellular and molecular mediators of cerebrovascular plasticity will lead to important findings about structural and functional determinants of vascular health, an essential pre-requisite for the development of transformative strategies for neuroprotection.

Selected Publications

Livingston J.M., McDonald M.W., Gagnon T., Jeffers M.S., Gomez-Smith M., Antonescu S., Cron G.O., Boisvert C., Lacoste B., and Corbett D. (2020) Influence of Metabolic Syndrome on Cerebral Perfusion and Cognition. Neurobiol Dis. 137:104756.

Toussay X., Tiberi M., and Lacoste B. (2019) Laser doppler flowmetry to study the regulation of cerebral blood flow by G protein-coupled receptors in rodents. Methods Mol Biol. 1947:377-387.

Van Dyken P. and Lacoste B. (2018) Impact of metabolic syndrome on neuroinflammation and the blood–brain barrier. Front Neurosci. 12:930.

Sadeghian H., Lacoste B., Qin T., Toussay X., Rosa R., Chung D.Y., Oka F, Takizawa T., Gu C., and Ayata C. (2018). Spreading depolarizations trigger caveolin-1-dependent endothelial transcytosis. Annals of Neurology, 84(3):409-423.

Meet the Lacoste Lab

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In the Lacoste lab, we value a strong culture of collaboration, equity and generosity, as well as high standards in scientific quality and integrity. This philosophy, together with our multidisciplinary and integrative approaches, will be very beneficial for young scientists willing to engage themselves in a scientific career full of important discoveries related to brain health!

We strongly encourage energetic, inquisitive, enthusiastic, passionate students and fellows to apply! It could either be a short-term lab experience (co-op & summer students), a two-years inspiring research experience (master students), as well as a longer and exciting adventure (Ph.D. students, post-docs).