Lynne Jolicoeur profile picture

Contact Information

Lynne Jolicoeur
613-737-7700 x72616

Lynne Jolicoeur

Clinician Investigator, Cancer Research
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute

Research Interests

Lynne has conducted research in the area of Patient Decision Support, Cancer Survivorship, Supportive Care, sexual health issues following cancer treatment and Fear of Cancer Recurrence.

Brief Biography

Lynne has worked at The Ottawa Hospital since 1990, primarily in the area of oncology. She has been an Advance Practice Nurse since 2001, first in Gynecologic Oncology and now, as the APN in Symptom Support and Sarcoma.

She is working with the interdisciplinary cancer team to developing, implementing and evaluation initiatives that will improve symptom outcomes for individuals with cancer.

She provides education and counselling to patients diagnosed with Sarcoma who have complex needs. She continues to provide consultation to health care providers regarding sexuality and cancer.

Selected Publications