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Contact Information

Mike Kekewich, BA (Hons), MA
613-798-5555 ext 17139

Mike Kekewich

Clinician Investigator, Inflammation & Chronic Disease
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Ethicist, Clinical and Organizational Ethics
The Ottawa Hospital

Research Interests

My research interests relate primarily to clinical and organizational ethics, and include issues such as:

- End-of-life care
- Advance care planning
- Mental health ethics
- Public health ethics

Brief Biography

I completed my undergraduate Honors degree in Philosophy with a specialization in Ethics at the University of Ottawa in 2008, and then completed my Master's in Public Ethics from Saint Paul University in 2010.

Since 2008, I've worked in the Department of Clinical and Organizational Ethics at The Ottawa Hospital. In this role, I've had the opportunity to participate in a number of research projects and successful funding applications. Most recently, I've been a co-investigator on a number of retrospective chart review projects examining issues such as documentation of end-of-life care preferences, and the economic impacts of palliative care consultations. I'm also a member of the Ottawa Health Sciences Network Research Ethics Board.

Selected Publications

Foreman T.C., Curran D., Landry J, Kekewich M.A. Documentation of Capacity and Identification
of Substitute Decision-Makers in Ontario. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2014 23(3):

Kekewich M.A. Market Liberalism in Healthcare: A Dysfunctional View of Respecting “Consumer”
Autonomy. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 2014; 11(1): 21-29.

Kekewich M.A., Foreman T.C. Ethicists Conscientiously Objecting: An Ontological Dejustification.
Clinical Ethics 2012; 7(2): 101-104.

Kekewich M.A. Is Coerced Voluntary Treatment Ever Appropriate? Journal of Ethics in Mental
Health 2011; 6: 1-4.

Kekewich M.A., et al. Mind the Gap: The Lack of Common Language in Healthcare Ethics. The
Journal of Clinical Ethics 2011; 22(3): 157-162.