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Contact Information

Michael McBurney, PhD
613-737-7700 x 70345

Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Centre for Cancer Therapeutics
501 Smyth Road
Box 926
Ottawa, ON
K1H 8L6

ORCID logo https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6096-3659

Michael McBurney

Senior Scientist Emeritus, Cancer Research
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Professor, Departments of Medicine and Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology
University of Ottawa

Research Interests

Research focus:  Cancer stem cells initially, and more recently, aging and age-related susceptibility to cancer. Ultimate objective is understanding how cancer arises, with view to prevention.

Brief Biography

PhD from U Toronto.  1969-1974. 
Post-doctoral training, Oxford University, 1974-76
University of Ottawa, 1976-present.
Director of Cancer Research at Ottawa Regional Cancer Centre and then Program Director for the Centre for Cancer Therapeutics Department at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute.  1988-present

Selected Publications

McBurney MW, Yang X, Jardine K, Hixon M, Boekelheide K, Webb JR, Lansdorp PM, Lemieux M. 2003 The mammalian SIR2α protein has a role in embryogenesis and gametogenesis. Molecular and Cellular Biology 23:38-54.

Caron AZ, He X, Mottawea W, Seifert EL, Jardine K, Dewar-Darch D, Cron GO, Harper ME, Stintzi A, McBurney MW. The SIRT1 deacetylase protects mice against the symptoms of metabolic syndrome. FASEB J. 2014 Mar;28(3):1306-16.

Clark-Knowles KV, Dewar-Darch D, Jardine KE, McBurney MW. Modulation of tumorigenesis by dietary intervention is not mediated by SIRT1 catalytic activity. PLoS One. 2014 Nov 7;9(11):e112406.

Mercken EM, Hu J, Krzysik-Walker S, Wei M, Li Y, McBurney MW, de Cabo R, Longo VD. SIRT1 but not its increased expression is essential for lifespan extension in caloric restricted mice. Aging Cell. 2014 Feb;13(1):193-6.

Chuprin A, Avin A, Goldfarb Y, Herzig Y, Levi B, Jacob A, Sela A, Katz S, Grossman M, Guyon C, Rathaus M, Cohen HY, Sagi I, Giraud M, McBurney MW, Husebye ES, Abramson J. The deacetylase Sirt1 is an essential regulator of Aire-mediated induction of central immunological tolerance. Nat Immunol. 2015 Jul;16(7):737-45.

Diseases, conditions and populations of interest

Research and clinical approaches