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Contact Information

Matthew McInnes, MD PhD FRCPC

Lead Methodologist: Eric Lam

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Matthew McInnes

Scientist, Methodological & Implementation Research
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Professor, Radiology and Epidemiology
University of Ottawa

Research Interests

Dr. McInnes' current primary research interest is in diagnostic accuracy of imaging tests with a focus on imaging of liver cancer (HCC). His group holds CIHR funding to conduct a Living IPD systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate the accuracy of LI-RADS for imaging of liver cancer.  He leads the multi-center international LI-RADS IPD collaborative.  Details about his research group can be found on his group's Open Science Framework page.

Dr. McInnes is the lead author of the PRISMA-DTA reporting guideline for systematic reviews of diagnostic test accuracy:

Brief Biography

Dr. McInnes completed his radiology training at the University of Toronto in 2006, followed by a 1 year clinical fellowship at the University Health Network at the University of Toronto in Abdominal Imaging. He completed a PhD in Clinical Epidemiology at the University of Amsterdam (2018). He is a Professor of Radiology and Epidemiology at the University of Ottawa and works as a Radiologist in the division of Abdominal Radiology in the Department of Medical Imaging at the Ottawa Hospital.  He is a Scientist in the OHRI Methodological and Implementation Research program.  

Dr. McInnes is on the editorial boards of the Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, the CARJ and Radiology. He is the co-chair of the ACR-LI-RADS evidence working group and a member of the ACR-Li-RADS steering group. Dr. McInnes is a member of the STARD group, and the Cochrane Screening and Diagnostic Tests Group.

Selected Publications

Diseases, conditions and populations of interest

Research and clinical approaches