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Contact Information

Patricia O'Neill, B.Sc.(Eng), M.Sc.(Eng.), P.Eng.
613 737-8899 Ext. 75482

Fax: 613-737-4260

Patricia O'Neill

Clinician Investigator, Inflammation & Chronic Disease
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Discipline Leader / Research Engineer, Rehabilitation Engineering
The Ottawa Hospital Rehabilitation Centre

Research Interests

Brief Biography

Patricia O'Neill is a professional engineer with over 20 years experience in rehabilitation research and development and product evaluation. She is currently a Research Engineer and Leader of the Rehabilitation Engineering group at The Ottawa Hospital Rehabilitation Centre (TOHRC). TOHRC specializes in the physical rehabilitation of those who have experienced a disabling physical illness or injury. There she leads a team of engineers and technologists who primarily create custom assistive devices for persons with physical disabilities and other equipment for research and clinical care. Patricia is also responsible for the evaluation of new mobility devices for the Ontario Assistive Devices Program and is involved in various product development and commercialization activities. Before joining TOHRC, Patricia was a Project Officer at the Bioengineering Institute at the University of New Brunswick where she had previously received her Master&rsquos of Science in Electrical Engineering. She also holds a Bachelor’s of Science in Electrical Engineering (Computing Option) from Queen’s University.

Selected Publications

Lemaire, E., O'Neill, P., Desrosiers, M., Robertson, G., “Reverse strategy for Wheelchair Ramp Ascent in Winter”, RESNA/FICCDAT Conference Proceedings, 2011.

Lemaire, E., O'Neill, P., Desrosiers, M., Robertson, G., “Wheelchair Ramp Navigation in Snow and Ice-Grit Conditions”, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 91, pp. 1516-1523, 2010.

O'Neill, P., Tremblay, F., & Goudreau, L., “Tactile Stimulator”, The Messenger, Vol. 3, No. 5, June 2005.

Trudel, G., O'Neill, P.A., Goudreau, L.A., “A Mechanical Arthrometer to Measure Knee Joint Contracture in Rats”, IEEE Transactions on Rehabilitation Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 149-155, March 2000.

O'Neill, P.A., Morin, E.L., and Scott, R. N., "Myoelectric Signal Characteristics from Muscles in Residual Upper Limbs", IEEE Transactions on Rehabilitation Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 266-270, December 1994.