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Contact Information

Sylvain Boet

Affiliate Investigator, Acute Care Research
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Member of the Centre for Implementation Research

Research Interests

Knowledge translation and implementation science
Medical education

More information about the Centre for Implementation Research

Students' opportunities: I welcome very motivated and dedicated students as well as Masters and PhD students to contact me at for long-term (more than 1 year) research collaboration with my team. For details, see here:

Currently available funded PhD and Masters' positions:

PhD student opportunity for the project "The implications of gender for operating room team performance, teamwork interventions, and equitable patient outcomes"
For more details, see here:

Master's student opportunity for the project "Knowledge translation interventions in perioperative medicine and anesthesiology: a systematic review of multicenter RCTs" 
For more details, see here:

Brief Biography

Sylvain is cross-appointed between the anesthesia department and the department of innovation in medical innovation, and is the Founding Director of the Fellowship in Medical Education and Knowledge Translation in Perioperative Medicine and Anesthesiology. Sylvain also works as a staff anesthesiologist at The Ottawa Hospital and is an Associate Professor at the University of Ottawa. He completed his training in anesthesiology and intensive care in France in 2005, has extensive experience in pre-hospital emergency medicine, and holds a PhD of Education. Prior to joining the Ottawa team, Sylvain completed a simulation and medical education fellowship at the University of Toronto. For several years, his research investigates strategies and tools, such as debriefing or cognitive aids, to improve skill retention in healthcare. He is currently using these findings to bring education science to bedside using knowledge translation strategies to optimize patients’ outcome.

Selected Publications

Boet S, Savoldelli G, Granry JC: “Simulation en Santé: de la Théorie à la Pratique”.
First co-Editor. This book is the first one about simulation in healthcare in French language. More than 50 francophone experts in simulation around the world have authored a total of 41 chapters. The book includes an English foreword by Dr. David Gaba, Standford, USA, and a French foreword by Dr. Brian Hodges, Toronto, Canada. The book has been launched in September 2013.

Diseases, conditions and populations of interest

Research and clinical approaches