Warren J Cheung profile picture

Contact Information

Warren J Cheung, MD, MMEd, FRCPC, DRCPSC (CE)
613-798-5555 ext. 17196

ORCID logo https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2730-8190

Warren J Cheung

Senior Clinician Investigator, Acute Care Research
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Associate Professor, Emergency Medicine
University of Ottawa

Research Interests

- Workplace-based assessment
- Direct observation of trainee performance
- Qualitative research methods

Brief Biography

Dr. Cheung obtained his MD from the University of Toronto in 2009 and completed his Royal College residency training in Emergency Medicine at the University of Ottawa in 2014. He subsequently completed an Education Research Fellowship with the Department of Innovation in Medical Education at the University of Ottawa and was awarded a Masters Degree in Medical Education from the University of Dundee in 2016. 

Dr. Cheung is an Associate Professor with the Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Ottawa, and a Senior Clinician Investigator with the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute. He previously held a Junior Clinical Research Chair in Medical Education with the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Ottawa. His research focuses on improving the quality of trainee assessments within a competency-based framework, with particular interests in studying workplace-based assessments and direct observation of performance. Dr. Cheung was the recipient of the Resident Doctors of Canada Mikhael Award for Medical Education in 2019 for his work on improving the quality of workplace-based assessments for emergency medicine trainees.

Selected Publications

Cheung WJ, Hall AK, Skutovich A, Brzezina S, Dalseg TR, Oswald A, Cooke LJ, Van Melle E, Hamstra SJ, Frank JR. (2022). Ready, set, go! Evaluating readiness to implement competency based medical education. Medical Teacher [Published online March 8, 2022].

Cheung WJ, Wagner N, Frank JR, Oswald A, Van Melle E, Skutovich A, Dalseg TR, Cooke LJ, Hall AK. (2022). Implementation of competence committees during the transition to CBME in Canada: A national fidelity-focused evaluation. Medical Teacher. [Published online February 24, 2022]  

Cheung WJ, Chan TM, Hauer KE, Woods RA, McEwen J, Martin LJ, Patocka C, Dong SL, Bhimani M, McColl T. (2020). CAEP 2019 Academic Symposium: Got competence? Best practices in trainee progression decisions. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 22(2), 187-193.  

Cheung WJ, Wood TJ, Gofton W, Dewhirst S, Dudek N. (2019). The Ottawa Emergency Department Shift Observation Tool (O-EDShOT): A new tool for assessing resident competence in the emergency department. Academic Emergency Medicine Education and Training, 4(4), 359-368.  

Cheung WJ, Patey A, Boet S, Mackay M, Frank JR. (2019). Barriers and enablers to direct observation of clinical performance – A qualitative study using the Theoretical Domains Framework. Academic Medicine, 94(1), 101-114.