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Contact Information

Greg Knoll, MD, MSc, FRCPC

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Greg Knoll

Senior Scientist, Inflammation & Chronic Disease
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Chair in Clinical Transplantation
University of Ottawa
Full Professor, Department of Medicine
University of Ottawa
Vice Chair – Research
Department of Medicine
Head, Division of Nephrology
Department of Medicine
Medical Director, Renal Transplantation
The Ottawa Hospital

Research Interests

Dr. Knoll is involved in ongoing studies related to the measurement of quality in kidney transplantation, the selection of appropriate candidates for transplantation, cardiac screening in kidney transplant candidates, systematic reviews on immunosuppressive strategies and other aspects of kidney transplantation and the long-term effects of living kidney donation.

Brief Biography

Dr. Knoll is a Full Professor and Head of the Division of Nephrology at the University of Ottawa. He has been on staff at TOH since 1997 and is the Medical Director of Renal Transplantation. Dr Knoll currently holds the University of Ottawa Chair in Clinical Transplantation Research and is a Senior Scientist with the Clinical Epidemiology Program of the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute. Dr. Knoll was the previous President of the Canadian Society of Transplantation (2008-2009) and is Co-Chair of the Canadian Renal Transplant Study Group.    

Selected Publications

Diseases, conditions and populations of interest

Research and clinical approaches