
New research by Dr. Brigitte Lemyre may change approach for helping some premature infants breathe

August 30, 2013

New research co-authored by Dr. Brigitte Lemyre may change the approach for helping some premature infants breathe. The research, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, showed that two forms of non-invasive respiratory support (one involving intermittent pressure or NIPPV and one involving continuous pressure or nCPAP) were equally effective. These results may lead to a decrease in the use of the intermittent method, which can be more complicated and expensive due to the equipment required. Dr. Lemyre and her team helped make OHRI / CHEO RI one of the lead sites for this major international study.

Funders: Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Media contact
Jennifer Ganton
Director, Communications and Public Relations
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
613-798-5555 ext. 73325