Monday, March 10, 2025,
13:00-14:00 |
Core Facilities and Platforms
Program presents
Proteomic Primer 1: An Introduction to Proteomics
Andrew Macklin, PhD
Andrew is the manager of the Proteomics Core Facility at OHRI.
Interested in adding proteomics to your research projects? Have questions about interpreting your data?
The OHRI Proteomics Core Facility invites researchers and trainees to the upcoming ''Proteomic Primer'' series. These sessions will cover important considerations for experiment planning, sample preparation, and data analysis to get the most out of your sample cohort.
Session 1, "An Introduction to Proteomics", introduces the basic principles of mass spectrometry and proteomics while pointing out important considerations for your experimental design.
Monday, March 17, 2025,
13:00-14:00 |
Core Facilities and Platforms
Program presents
Proteomic Primer 2: Tips for Sample Preparation
Andrew Macklin, PhD
Andrew is the Manger of the Proteomics Core Facility at OHRI
Interested in adding proteomics to your research projects? Have questions about interpreting your data?
The OHRI Proteomics Core Facility invites researchers and trainees to the upcoming ''Proteomic Primer'' series. These sessions will cover important considerations for experiment planning, sample preparation, and data analysis to get the most out of your sample cohort. Feel free to share this information with other members of your lab.\
Session 2, "Tips on Sample Preparation", aims to provide attendees with the tools to prepare their samples to the highest standards
Monday, March 24, 2025,
13:00-14:00 |
Core Facilities and Platforms
Program presents
Proteomic Primer 3: LC-MS Theory and Database Matching
Andrew Macklin, PhD
Andrew is the Manger of the Proteomics Core Facility at OHRI
Interested in adding proteomics to your research projects? Have questions about interpreting your data?
The OHRI Proteomics Core Facility invites researchers and trainees to the upcoming ''''Proteomic Primer'''' series. These sessions will cover important considerations for experiment planning, sample preparation, and data analysis to get the most out of your sample cohort.
Session 3, "LC-MS Theory and Database Matching", introduces how Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS) works and how it is used to identify compounds with the help of a reference database.
LC-MS is a powerful analytical technique that combines the separation capabilities of liquid chromatography with the identification power of mass spectrometry. The LC separates the components of a sample, while the MS analyzes and identifies them. By matching results to a reference database, researchers can determine the identity of compounds within complex mixtures.
Tuesday, March 25, 2025,
13:00-14:00 |
Core Facilities and Platforms
Program presents
Microscopy-Guided Subcellular Spatial Proteomic Discovery
Dr Azad Gucwa
Dr. Gucwa is the senior field application specialist for Syncell
Come join us to learn more about the exciting field of Spatial Proteomics and a new instrument that the Proteomics Core Facility will be demo-ing at OHRI.
Microscopy-guided proteomics at an organelle-dimension resolution is desired for uncovering unknown protein constituents in specific disease-or function-associated regions. 
In this seminar, we introduce the Syncell Microscoop, a novel platform for spatial protein purification throughin situsubcellular photo-biotinylationof proteins at user-defined regions of interest (ROIs). This process is performed one field of view (FOV) at a time, fully automatically, across thousands of FOVs.
Utilizing mass spectrometry, the Microscoop enables the discovery of subcellular proteomes with high sensitivity, specificity, and resolution.
Monday, March 31, 2025,
13:00-14:00 |
Core Facilities and Platforms
Program presents
Proteomic Primer 4: Data Processing and Visualisation
Andrew Macklin, PhD
Andrew is the Manger of the Proteomics Core Facility at OHRI
Interested in adding proteomics to your research projects? Have questions about interpreting your data?
The OHRI Proteomics Core Facility invites researchers and trainees to the upcoming ''''Proteomic Primer'''' series. These sessions will cover important considerations for experiment planning, sample preparation, and data analysis to get the most out of your sample cohort.
Session 4, "Data processing and Visualization", This session covers the essential steps of preparing your data for analysis and visualization. Learn how raw mass spectrometry data is processed and cleaned before analysis, and explore the most effective plots and visualizations for interpreting your results.