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Andrew Seely

Andrew Seely

Scientist, Acute Care Research
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Tier I Clinical Research Chair, Faculty of Medicine
University of Ottawa
Full Professor of Surgery, Divisions of Thoracic Surgery and Critical Care Medicine
University of Ottawa
Vice-Chair Research, Department of Surgery
University of Ottawa
Director of Research, Department of Thoracic Surgery
The Ottawa Hospital
Canadian Association of Thoracic Surgeons
Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Therapeutic Monitoring Systems (TMS) Inc.

Research Interests

Brief Biography

Andrew JE Seely, a Tier I Clinical Research Chair in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Ottawa, is a Scientist at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Professor of Surgery within the Divisions of Thoracic Surgery and Critical Care Medicine at the University of Ottawa, Vice-Chair of Research in the Department of Surgery at the University of Ottawa, Director of Research for the Ottawa Division of Thoracic Surgery, President of the Canadian Association of Thoracic Surgeons, as well as Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Therapeutic Monitoring Systems Inc. Dr Seely’s education includes an undergraduate honors in physics at Carleton University, followed by medical school, general surgery training, and a doctoral degree in basic science from McGill University, and thoracic surgery and critical care medicine training at the University of Ottawa. Dr Seely’s scholarly interests include: 1) theoretical research exploring the clinical insights of complex systems science (e.g. emergence, uncertainty and dissipation); 2) physiologic understanding of complex biologic variability; 3) applied research monitoring multiorgan variability during exercise, onset and resolution of infection, prediction of likelihood of organ donation success following Donation after Circulatory Death (DCD), critical illness and weaning; and 4) development and implementation of a systematic means to continuously monitor all adverse events after all surgery, as well as provide feedback of that information to improve surgical care. Dr Seely has supervised several graduate students and built research teams, has published over 145 peer-reviewed papers, presents annually at international meetings and has been awarded over $8.7 M in competitive grant funding. He shares his family life with Kathy Patterson and their daughters Phoebe and Ruby in Ottawa.

Selected Publications

1.  Seely AJE Optimizing Our Patients’ Entropy Production as Therapy? Hypotheses Originating from the Physics of Physiology Entropy 2020, 22, 1095.
2.  Barnaby DP, Fernando SM, Herry CL, Scales NB, Gallagher EJ, Seely AJE Heart Rate Variability, Clinical and Laboratory Measures to Predict Future Deterioration in Patients Presenting With Sepsis. Shock 2019, Apr;51(4):416-422.

3.  Godard S, Herry C, Westergaard P, Scales N, Brown SM, Burns K, Mehta S, Jacono FJ, Kubelik D, Maziak DE, Marshall J, Martin C, Seely AJE. Practice Variation in Spontaneous Breathing Trial Performance and Reporting," Canadian Respiratory Journal, vol. 2016, Article ID 9848942, 10 pages, 2016.  

4.  Seely AJE, Bravi A, Herry C, Green G, Longtin A, Ramsay T, Fergusson D, McIntyre L, Kubelik D, Maziak DE, Ferguson N, Brown SM, Mehta S, Martin C, Rubenfeld G, Jacono FJ, Clifford G, Fazekas A, Marshall J. Do heart and respiratory rate variability improve prediction of extubation outcomes in critically ill patients? Crit Care. 2014, Apr 8;18(2):R65.  
5.  IvanovicJ, Seely AJE, Anstee C, Villeneuve PJ, Gilbert S, Maziak DE, Shamji FM, Forster AJ, Sundaresan RS. Measuring surgical quality: comparison of postoperative adverse events with the american college of surgeons NSQIP and the Thoracic Morbidity and Mortality classification system.  J Am Coll Surg 2014, 218(5): 1024-1031.  

Diseases, conditions and populations of interest

Research and clinical approaches