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Catherine Tsilfidis, PhD

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Selected Publications

Sobh M, Lagali PS, Montroy J, Ghiasi M, Dollin M, Hurley B, Leonard BC, Dimopoulos I, Lafreniere M, Daham Z, Fergusson DA, Lalu MM, Tsilfidis C (2023). Safety and efficacy of adeno-associated viral gene therapy in patients with retinal degeneration: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Trans. Vis. Sci. Tech. 2023; 12(11):24. 

Visuvanathan S, Baker AN, Lagali PS, Coupland SG, Miller G, Hauswirth WW, Tsilfidis C (2022).  XIAP gene therapy preserves retinal ganglion cell structure and function in a mouse model of glaucoma.  Gene Therapy 29 (3-4): 147-156.

Wassmer SJ, De Repentigny Y, Sheppard D, Lagali P, Fang L, Coupland SG, Kothary R, Guy J, Hauswirth WW, Tsilfidis C (2020). XIAP protects retinal ganglion cells in the mutant ND4 mouse model of Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy.  Invest Opthal Vis Sci 61(8):49.

Zadro-Lamoureux, L.A., D.N. Zacks, A.N. Baker, Q.-D. Zheng, W.W. Hauswirth, and C. Tsilfidis (2009). XIAP effects on retinal detachment-induced photoreceptor apoptosis. Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci. 50(3):1448-53.

Leonard, K.C., D. Petrin, S. G. Coupland, A. N. Baker, B. C. Leonard, W. W. Hauswirth, R. G. Korneluk and C. Tsilfidis (2007). XIAP Protection of Photoreceptors in Animal Models of Retinitis Pigmentosa. PLoS ONE Mar 21; 2 (3):e314.


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