CIHR (2009 - 2014)
"Regulation of IL-12 family of TH1 cytokines IL-12, IL-23 and IL-27 by HIV"
Principal Investigators: J.B. Angel and A. Kumar
CIHR (2012 - 2017)
"Regulation and function of soluble IL-7 receptor alpha (CD127) in HIV infection"
Principal Investigator: J.B. Angel
CIHR (2014 - 2018)
"The Canadian HIV Cure Enterprise (CanCURE)"
Principal Investigators: E. A. Cohen, P. Ancuta, J.B. Angel, J-P Routy, K.R. Fowke et al.
CIHR (2014 - 2018)
"Antimicrobial host defense petides: their potential use as vaginal contraceptives with anti-HIV properties"
Principal Investigators: N. Tanphaichitr and J.B. Angel