Gage Lab

Gage Lab

Blair Gage profile picture

Contact Information

Blair Gage, PhD
613-737-8899, x 70339

Sandy Martino
Research Administrative Assistant

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Lab News

May 6, 2024: Big welcome to David Moulongou who joins us as a summer student to help with the many steps of creating endothelial progenitors from stem cells. 

Apr. 8, 2024: The Gage Lab doubles!  We are excited to have Orneala Bakos (MSc.) join the group. Orneala brings years of flow cytometry, cell culture, and virus experience from her own training and CRO past. 

Mar. 18, 2024: Blair is excited to be headed to Toronto to give a talk on what we are planning up in Ottawa

Jan. 2, 2024: The Gage Lab is featured in the OHRI news. 

Dec. 14, 2023: The Gage Lab OHRI profile/website is awake.
* We are actively recruiting graduate students and post docs to become new Cell Therapists. Please send an email to with a CV and your research interests. *

Dec. 1, 2023: The Gage Lab has started!  Huge thank you to all the mentors and mentees that have made this step possible. We are excited to move into our home at the OHRI to build some liver disease fighting therapeutics.