Addison Lab

Addison Lab

Christina Addison profile picture

Contact Information

Christina Addison, PhD
613-737-7700 x70329

Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Centre for Cancer Therapeutics
501 Smyth Road
Box 926
Ottawa, ON
K1H 8L6

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Research Activities

Current Research Projects

Our laboratory focuses on two main themes; 1) the role of the tumour extracellular matrix (ECM) microenvironment in modulating tumour growth and angiogenesis and 2) cancer biomarker discovery. We have actively been investigating the role of the ECM in modulating the growth of tumours and their response to common anti-cancer treatments. As the ECM present in tumors is vastly different then that found in normal tissue counterparts understanding the effects of ECM on endothelial cell and tumor cell biology is extremely important. To this end we are also investigating the molecular events responsible for this modulation including the role of focal adhesion kinase and integrin linked kinase signal transduction pathways. Recently, our emphasis has focused on the role of these signalling pathways in modulating bone metastases progression and response to treatment in prostate, breast and lung cancers. Our laboratory is also involved in a number of studies identifying and evaluating the utility of predictive and prognostic biomarkers (both protein and small RNA) correlating with cancer disease presence, prognosis, recurrence and response to treatment.

Keywords: angiogenesis, bone metastasis, tumour microenvironment, biomarkers, cancer therapy, signal transduction