Crawley Lab

Crawley Lab

Angela M. Crawley profile picture

Contact Information

Angela M. Crawley, Ph.D.

Fax: 613-737-8803
Research Administrative Assistant:
Heidi Hickey,
613-737-8899 x72794

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Lab Members

For more information about ongoing trainee research:

Current Members

current member
David Lawton
Master's Student
MSc Microbiology & Immunology, University of Ottawa
Currently working on the role of macrophage subset dysfunction in chronic liver disease.
September 2020 - Present
current member
Jeff Li
Master's Student
MSc Microbiology & Immunology, University of Ottawa
Jeff obtained his BSc in Microbiology and Immunology from McGill University in May 2019, and joined the Crawley lab in September 2019. He is currently investigating CD8+ T cell activation and related pathways in advanced liver disease, with particular interest in Hedgehog signaling and cell cycle control. Outside of research, Jeff is interested in philosophy and computer science. He also likes fishing and boating, and is a big transit enthusiast.
September 2019 - Present
current member
Kiera Levesque
Honours Student
HBSc Biomedical Science, University of Ottawa
Currently working on elucidating the role of apoptosis in CD8+ T cells in advanced liver fibrosis.
September 2020 - Present
current member
Agatha Vranjkovic, PhD
Research Associate
PhD Biochemistry (Microbiology & Immunology), University of Ottawa
May 2017 - Present
current member
Cameron Bosveld
Jr. Research Technician
HBSc Biology & Biotechnology, Carleton University
Clinical sample processing is my forte.
September 2020 - Present
current member
Frederic St-Denis-Bissonnette
Jr. Research Technician - Langlois Lab
BSc Biochemistry (Microbiology & Immunology), University of Ottawa
I intend to do research in the field of regenerative medicine in order to contribute to the rise of scientific discoveries for the ultimate purpose of helping people.
October 2020 - Present

Past lab members

Felicia Deonarine
MSc, Mic. and Imm., University of Ottawa
HBSc Biology and Biotechnology, (Carleton University, Ottawa, ON)
Sept 2015 - Aug 2017

Nathalie Grun, PhD
Post Doc Fellow, OHRI
BSc, Biomedicine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm Sweden
MSc, Infectious Disease Control, Sodertorn University, Stockholm, Sweden
PhD, Medical Science, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Galostiftelsen's Scholarship for Higher Studies Abroad 2016
September 2016-June 2017

Faria Ahmed
MSc, Mic. and Imm., University of Ottawa
HBSc Biochemistry & Biotechnology (North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh)
Canadian Network on Hepatitis C Trainee Award & Scholarship (2016-2017)
University of Ottawa Excellence Scholarship (2016-2017)
Sept 2015 - Aug 2017

Sarwat Tahsin Khan
HBSc Biochemistry (Mic and Imm.), University of Ottawa
Co-op/Honours Student
Two-time recipient of the NCRTP-Hep C/CanHepC Summer Student Scholarship (2015, 2016)
May 2015 - August 2016

Faith Mottahedi
Summer Student
BSc Health Sciences, University of Ottawa
May 2016 - August 2016

Paula Molinari

Postdoctoral Fellow, OHRI
Sept 2015 - Feb 2016

Stephanie Burke Schinkel
MSc Microbiology and Immunology, University of Ottawa
Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship
Currently: Lab Technician, Angel Lab, OHRI.

Julie Matte
HBSc Biochemistry (Mic and Imm.), University of Ottawa

Winston Karges
HBSc Biochemistry (Mic and Imm.), University of Ottawa
NCRTP-Hep C Scholarship

Andrea Ibrahim
HBSc Biochemistry (Mic and Imm.), University of Ottawa

Carolyne Moussa
BSc. (Co-op), University of Ottawa

Aditya Mohan
High school volunteer
IB Diploma Program, Colonely By Secondary School