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Deborah Zimmerman
613-738-8400 ext 82534

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Selected Publications

1.      Lok C, Allon M, Moist L, Oliver M, Zimmerman D. Reduce FTM 1 (Risk Equation Determining Unsuccessful Cannulation Events and Failure to Maturation in Arteriovenous Fistulas).  J Am Soc Nephrol. 2006 Nov;17(11):3204-12.  PMID:  16988062 
2.      Zimmerman D, Sood MM, Rigatto C, Holden RM, Hiremath S, Clase CM.  Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Incidence, Prevalence and Outcomes of Atrial Fibrillation in Patients on Dialysis.  Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2012 Oct;27(10):3816-22. doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfs416.  
3.      Nesrallah GE, Mustafa R, MacRae J, Pauly R, Perkins D.N., Gangji Z, Rioux JP, Steele A, Suri R, Chan C, Copland M, Komenda P, McFarlane P, Pierratos A, Lindsay R, Zimmerman D. Canadian Society of Nephrology Guidelines for the Management of Patients with ESRD Treated with Intensive Hemodialysis.  Am J Kidney Dis. 2013 Jul;62(1):187-98. doi: 10.1053/j.ajkd.2013.02.351.  PMID:  23566638.
4.     Moorman D, Suri R, Hiremath S, Jegatheswaran J, Kumar T, Bugeja A, Zimmerman D. Benefits and Barriers to and Desired Outcomes with Exercise in Patients with End Stage Kidney Disease CJASN. Feb 2019, 14;(2); 268-276. Doi:10.2215/CJN.09700818. PMID: 30696660
5.    Deacon E, Canney M, McCormick, Brown P, Biyani M, D. Zimmerman.  Predictors of Serum Vancomycin Levels in Peritoneal Dialysis-Associated Peritonitis.  Peritoneal Dialysis.  International  Nov 9, 2022. 

All Other Publications

Last 5 years (More complete list:
1.      Chan RJ, McCudden C, McCormick B, Zimmerman D.  A Diagnostic Dilemma “Cured” By Dialysis:  An Educational Case Report.  CJKH. Educational Case Report.   Volume 10.  June 1, 2023.
2.      Bennett N, 1. Bohm C, Yee-Moon Wang, A, Kanjanabuch T, Figueiredo A E, Harasemiw O, Brown L, Gabrys I, Jegatheesan D, Lambert K, Lightfoot CJ, MacRae J, Scholes-Robertson N, Stewart K, Tarca B, Verdin N, Warren M, West M, Zimmerman D, Finderup J, Thompson S.  An International Survey of Peritoneal Dialysis Exercise Practices and Perceptions.  Kidney International Reports.  May, 2023.
3.      Holden RM, Booth SL, Zimmerman D, Moist L, Norman P, Day AG, Menard A, Fu X, Shea MK, Babiolakis CS, Nolan R, Turner ME, Ward E, Kaufmann M, Adams MA, Heyland DK.  Inhibit Progression of Coronary Artery Calcification with Vitamin K in Hemodialysis Patients (The iPACK-HD Study):  A randomized, placebo-controlled multi-centre, pilot trial.  01 Feb, 2023 38(3): 746-756.  gfac191. Doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfac191.  PMID:  35641194.
4.      Deacon E, Canney M, McCormick, Brown P, Biyani M, D. Zimmerman.  Predictors of Serum Vancomycin Levels in Peritoneal Dialysis-Associated Peritonitis.  Peritoneal Dialysis.  International  Nov 9, 2022.
5.      Hundemer GL, Ravani P, SoodMM, Zimmerman D, Molnar AO, Moorman D, OlivierMJ, White C, Hiremath S, Akbari A.  Social Determinants of Health and the Transition from Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease to Kidney Failure. Oct 31, 2022. Nephrology Dialysis and Transplant.DOI:  10.1093/ndt/gfac302.  PMID:  36316015 6.      Mancini GBJ, O’Meara E, Zieroth S, Bernier M, Cheng AYY, Cherney DZI, Connelly KA, Ezekowitz J, Goldenberg RM, Leiter LA, Nesrallah G, Paty BW, Piche ME, Senior P, Sharma A, Verma S, Woo V, Darras P, Gregoire J, Lonn E, Stone JA, Yale JF, Yeung C, Zimmerman D. 2022 Canadian Cardiovascular Society Guideline for Use of GLP-1 Receptor Agonists and SGLT2 Inhibitors for Cardiorenal Risk Reduction in Adults. Can J Cardiol Aug 2022. 38 (8); 1153-1167. 
7.      Czikk D, Parpia Y, Vu DC, Jain GK, Roberts K, Parpia Y, Zimmerman D. De-Prescribing Proton Pump Inhibitors in Patients with End Stage Kidney Disease:  A Quality Improvement Project.  Canadian Journal of Kidney Health.  June 2022.  PMCID:  PMC9243371.
8.      Harvey E, Akirplani A, C. Teoh, C Mammen, K Pederson, R, Nemec, K, Davis, B McCormick, CA Banks, C. Frenette, D Clark, D Zimmerman, E Qirjazi, F Macway, H Vorster, J Antonsen, JE Kappel, J Macrae, J Hemmett, K Tennankore, M Copland, M McCormick, R Suri, S Singh, S Davison, M Lemaire, C Chan.  Association of Paediatric Nephrologists COVID-19 Rapid Response:  Home and In-Centre Dialysis Guidance.      DOI:  10.1177/20543581211053458/ ID:  CJKHD-21-0097.  Nov 2021. PMID:  3477841.   
9.      Brimble KS, GanameJ, Margetts P, Jain A, Perl J, Walsh M, Bosch J, Yusuf S, Phil D, Beshay S, Su W, Zimmerman D, Lee S, Gangji A.  Impact of Bioelectrical Impedance-Guided Fluid Management and Vitamin D Supplementation on Left Ventricular Mass in Patients Receiving Peritoneal Dialysis:  A Randomized Controlled Trial.  AJKD Oct 2021 Https://
10.  Bennett P N, Bohm C, Harasemiw O, Brown L, Gabrys I, Jegatheesan D, MacRae J, Meade A, Parker K, Scholes-Robertson N, Stewart K, Tarca B, Verdin N, Yee-Moon A, Warren M, West M, Zimmerman D, Kam-Tao Li, P, ThompsonS.  Physical Activity and Exercise in Peritoneal Dialysis:  International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis and the Global Renal Exercise Network Practice Recommendations.  Peritoneal Dialysis International.  Jan 2022; 42(1):8-24  DOI:  10.1177/0896868082111055290.  1
1.  Bennett P, Kohzuki M, Bohm C, Roshanravan B, Bakker SJL, Viana JL, MacRae JM, Wilkinson TH, Wilund KR, Van Craenenbroeck AH, Sakkas G, Mustata S, Fowler K, McDonald J, Aleamany GM, Anding K, Avin KG, Escobar GL, MKin IG, Goth J, Isnard M, Jhamb M, Kim JC, Li JW, Lightfoot CJ, McAdams-DeMarco M, Manfredinie F, Meade A, Molsted S, Parker K, Seguri-Orti E, Smith AC, Verdin N, Zheng J, Zimmerman D, Thompson S. Global Policy Barriers and Enablers to Exercise and Physical Activity in Kidney Care. Journal of Renal Nutrition 13 Aug 2021 DOI
12.  Gupta A, Zimmerman D.  Complications and Challenges of Home Hemodialysis:  A Historical Review.  Seminars in Dialysis.  Feb 21, 2021.Volume 34, Issue 4 p – 267-327   PMID:  33609415
13.  Ana Cecilia Farfan-Ruiz, Daniel Czikk, Julie Leidecker, Timothy Ramsay, Brendan Mccormick, Kumanan Wilson and Deborah Zimmerman.   Mulitdisciplinary Team Versus A ‘Phosphate Counting APP for Serum Phosphate Control:  A Randomized Controlled Trial.  Kidney360 Feb 2021 2(2)290-297.  DOI: 
14.  Gupta A, Zimmerman D.  Hypotonic Polyuria:  At the Cross-Roads of Copeptin.  The Netherlands Journal of Medicine.  2020 Dec;78(6):309-314. PMID:  33380527 15.  Collister D, Pohl K, Herrington G, Lee S, Rabbat C, Tennankore K, Zimmerman D, Tangri N, Manns B, Wald R, Suri R, Nadeau-Fredete AC, Goupil R, Silver S, Walsh M.  The Dialysis Symptom Control-Restless Legs Syndrme (DISCO-RLS) Trial:  A Clinical Research Protocol for a Randomized Crossover Placebo Controlled Blinded Trial.  CJKHD Nov 2020 Vol 7: 1-8.  https://doi:10.1177/2054358120968959.
16.  Samaha D, Kandiah T, Zimmerman D.  Cannabis Use for Restless Legs syndrome and Uremic Pruritus in Dialysis:  A Survey.  CJKHD.  Sept 10.  PMCID:  PMC7488602
17.  Jegatheswaran J, Chan R, Hiremath S, Moorman D, Suri R, Zimmerman D. Use of the FRAIL questionnaire in patients with end stage kidney disease. CJKHD. 2020.  Sept 16. Doi: 10.1177/2054358120952904
18.  Nesrallah G, Gilmour L, Levin A, Mustafa R, Soroka S, Zimmerman D. Canadian Society of Nephrology COVID-19 Rapid Response Program Original Clinical Research Mixed Method..  Canadian Journal of Kidney Health.  Oct 21, 2020.
19.  Suri R,  Antonsen J, Banks C, Davison S, Frenette C, Kappel J, MacRae J, Mac-Way F, Mathew A, Moist L, Qirjazi, E, Tennankore K, Vorster H, on behalf of the CSN COVID-19 Rapid Response Team (Collaborators: Clark, Edward; Copland, Michael; Goldberg, Aviva; Hemmett, Juliya; Hiremath, Swapnil; Levin, Adeera; McCormick, Brendan; Moran, Sarah; Nesrallah, Gihad; Pandeya, Sanjay; Ryz, Krista; Singh, Suneet; Soroka, Steven; Thanabalasingam, Susan; Wald, Ronald; Weir, Matthew; White, Christine; Zimmerman D)  Management of Outpatient Hemodialysis During the Covid-19 Pandemic:  Recommendations from the Canadian Society of Nephrology Covid-19 Rapid Response Team.  Can J of Kidney Health and Disease.  Sept 17, 2020.
20.  Holden RM, Mustafa RA, Alexander T, Battistella M, Bevilacqua MU, Knoll G, Mac-Way F, Reslerova M, Walkd r, Acott PD, Feltmate P, Grill A, Jindal KK, Karsanji M, Kiberd BA, Mahdavi S, McCarron K, Molnar AO, Pinsk M, Rodd C, Soroka SD, Vinson AJ, Zimmerman D, Clase C.  Canadian Society of Nephrology (CSN) Commentary on the Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) 2017 Clinical Practice Guideline Update for the Diagnosis, Evaluation, Prevention, and Treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease-Mineral and Bone Disorder (CKD-MBD).  Can J of Kidney Health and Disease.  Can J Kidney Health Dis.  Aug 4 2020; 7: 2054358120944271. :  PMCID PMC7412914
21.  White, CA, Kappel, J, Levin A, Moran S, Pandeya S, Thanabalasingam S, on behalf of the CSN RRT (Collaborators Antonsen J, Banks  C, Clark, Clark E, Copland M, Davison S, Goldberg A, Hemmett J, Hiremath S, MacRae J, Mac-Way, F, Mathew A, McCormick B, Moist L, Mustafa R, Nesrallah G, Qirjazi E, Ryz K, Singh RS; Soroka S, Suri R, Tennankore K, Wald R, Weir M, Zimmerman D).  Management of Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease During the Covid-19 Pandemic:  Suggestions from the Canadian Society of Nephrology Covid-19 Rapid Response Team.  CJKHD.  July 19 2020 doi:  10.1177/2054358120939354
22.  Clark EG, Hiremath S, Soroka SD, Wald R, Weir MA, on behalf of the CSN COVID-19 Rapid Response Team (Collaborators Antonsen J, Banks C, Davison S, Goldberg A, Kappel J, Levin A, Mac-Way F, Mathew A, Moist L, Moran S, Mustafa R, Nesrallah G, Pandeya S, Ryz K, Suri R, Tennankore K, Thanabalasingam S, Wald R, Weir M, White C, Zimmerman D.  CSN COVID-19 Rapid Review Program: Management of Acute Kidney Injury.  Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease.  July 2020 DOI 10.1177/2054358120941679
23.  Copland M, Hemmett J, MacRae J, McCormick B,  McCormick M, Qirjazi E,  Singh RS. Zimmerman D on behalf of the CSN RRT (Collaborators: Antonsen J, Banks C, Clark D, Clark E, Davison S, Goldberg A, Hiremath S, Kappel J, Levin A, Mac-Way F, Mathew A, Moist L, Moran S, Mustafa R, Nesrallah G, Pandeya S, Ryz K, Soroka S, Suri R, Tennankore K, Thanabalasingam S, Wald R, Weir M, White C).   Canadian Society of Nephrology Covid-19 Rapid Response Team Home Dialysis Recommendations.  Can J of Kidney Health and Disease.  May 2020.  Volume 7 1-7.  DOI:  10.1177/2054348120928153.  PMCID:  PMC7262737.
24.  Lee EJ, Patel A, Acedillo RR, Bachynski JC, Barrett I, Basile E, Battistella M, Benjamin D, Berry D, Blakde PG, Chan P, Bohm, CJ, Clemens KK, Cook C, Dember L, Dirk JS, Dixon S, Fowler E, Getchell L, Gholami N, Goldstein C, Hahn F, Hogeterp B, Huang S, Hughes M, Jardine MJ, Kalatharn S, Kilburn S, Lacson E Jr, Leonard S, Liberty C, Lindsay C, MacRae JM, Manns BJ, McCallum J, McIntyre CW, Molnar AQ, Mustafa RA, Nesrrallah GE, Oliver MJ, Pandes M, Pandeya S, Parmar MS, Rabin EZ, Riley J, Silver S, Sontrop JM, Sood MM, Suri RS, Tangri N, Tascona TJ, Thomas A, Wald R, Walsh M, Weijer C, Weir MA, Vorster H, Zimmerman D, Garg AX.  Gardener’s Grove Participants.  Cultivating Innovative Pragmatic Cluster-Randomized Registry Trials Embedded in Hemodialysis Care.  Workshop Proceedings for 2018.  Can J Kidney Health Dis. 2019 Dec 26;6:2054358119894394. doi: 10.1177/2054358119894394  PMCID: PMC6933546
25.  Thangarasa T, Foisy D, Leidecker J, Corsi DJ, Meggison H, Blew B, Warren W, Zimmerman D. In Search of A Simple and Reliable Method of Measuring Intra-Abdominal Pressure in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients. Can J Kidney Health Dis.  Dec 6, 2019.  PMID:  31839976  
26.  Mace-Brickman T, Eddeen AB, Carrero JJ, Mark PB, Molnar AO, Lam NN, Zimmerman D, Harel Z, Sood MM.  The Risk of Stroke and Stroke Type in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation and Chronic Kidney Disease.  Can J. Kidney Health Dis.  2019 Dec 4 6:205435892372.  Doi: 10.1177/2054358119892372.  PMID :  31839975
27.  Annie-Claire  Nadeau-Fredette ,  Christopher T Chan,  Bargman  Joanne, Michael A Coplan S Neil Finkle, Matthew J Oliver  Robert P Pauly,  Jeffrey  Perl, Nikhil A Shah, Deborah L Zimmerman, Karthik K Tennankore.. Predictors of Care Gaps in Home Dialysis:  Results of Home Dialysis Virtual Ward.  American Journal of Nephrology.  Am J. Neph 2019;50(5):392-400.  Doi 10 1159/000503439.  Epub 2019 Oct 10. 
28.  Hildebrand A, Ribic C, Zimmerman D.  Balancing the Benefits and Harms of Oral Anticoagulation in Chronic Kidney Disease: What Does Available Evidence Tell Us? Ann Intern Med Aug 2019;171(3):214-215.  doi: 10.7326/M19-1504
29.  Huang S, MacRae J, Ross D, Imtiaz R, Hollingsworth B, Nesrallah G, Copland MA, McFarlane PA, Chan CT, Zimmerman D. Buttonhole Versus Step-Ladder Cannulation for Home Hemodialysis: A Multi-Centre Randomized Pilot Trial. cJASN.  March 2019; 14(3).  403-410; DOI: https/  PMID:  30659057
30.  Moorman D, Suri R, Hiremath S, Jegatheswaran J, Kumar T, Bugeja A, Zimmerman D. Benefits and Barriers to and Desired Outcomes with Exercise in Patients with End Stage Kidney Disease.  CJASN. Feb 2019, 14;(2); 268-276. Doi:10.2215/CJN.09700818. PMID: 30696660  
31.  Massicotte_Azarniouch, Kuwornu JP, McCallum MK, Bansal N, Lam N, Molnar AO, Pun P, Zimmerman D, Garg AX, Sood MM. The Association of Kidney Function and Albuminuria with the Risk and Outcomes of Syncope:  A Population-based cohort Study.  Canadian Journal of Cardiology.  2018 Dec;34(12): 1631-1640.  Doi: 10.1016/j.cjca.2018.08.033.  PMID:  30527152. 
32.  Sriperumbuduri S, Zimmerman D.  Cloudy Dialysate as the Initial Presentation for Lymphoma.  Case Reports in Nephrology.  Case Reports in Nephrology.  2018 Oct 9:2018:2192043. PMID:  30402307
33.  Pauly R, Rosychuk RJ, Usman I, Reintjes F, Muneer M, Chan CT, Copland M, Lindsay R, MacRae J, Nesrallah G, Pierratos A, Zimmerman D, Komenda P.  Technique Failure in a Multi-Centre Canadian Home Dialysis Cohort  Am J. Kidney Dis. 2018 Nov 1.   doi: 10.1053/ajkd.2018.08.016.  PMID:  30392981.
34.  Budhram B, Akbari A, Brown P, Biyani M, Knoll G, Zimmerman D, Edwards C, McCormick B, Bugeja A, Sood MM.  End-Stage Kidney Disease in Patients with Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease.  A 12-Year Study Based on the Canadian Organ Replacement Registry.  Can J Kidney Health Dis.  2018 June  11,5:2054358118778568. doi: 10.1177/205435811877568.  PMID:  29977583.
35.  Thangarasa T, Imtiaz R, Hiremath S, Zimmerman D. Physical Activity in Patients Treated with Peritoneal Dialysis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease. 2018 June 18;5:2054358118779821.  Doi: 10.1177/2054358118779821. PMID:  29977585
36.  Jegatheswaran J, Warren J, Zimmerman D.  Reducing Intra-Abdominal Pressure in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients to Avoid Transient Hemodialysis.  DOI:  10.111/sdi.12676.  Seminars in Dialysis.  2018 May;31(3):209-212. PMID: 29383761
37.  Massicotte-Azarniouch D, Kuwornu D, Carrero JP, Lam JJ, Molnar AO, Zimmerman D, McCallum MK, Garg AX, Sood MM.  Incident Atrial Fibrillation and the Risk of Congestive Heart Failure Myocardial Infarction.  End-Stage Kidney Disease and Mortality Among Patients with a Decreased Estimated GFR.  Am J Kidney Dis.  Nov 16 2017.  Doi: 10.1053/j.ajkd.2017.08.016.  2018 Feb;71(2):191-199.  PMID: 29153994.