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Contact Information

Guy Trudel, MD
613-737-8899 ext. 75591

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Selected Publications

Guy Trudel, Gerd Melkus, Greg O. Cron, Hakim Louati, Adnan Sheikh, Peder E.Z. Larson, Mark Schweitzer, Peter Lapner, Hans K. Uhthoff, Odette Laneuville.  Ultra-high field imaging of the rabbit supraspinatus enthesis: a 4-week time course after repair surgery and effect of channeling. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 2017.

Campbell Mark, Laneuville Odette, Guy Trudel.  Knee flexion contractures in patients with osteoarthritis: clinical features and histologic characterization of the posterior capsule.  PM&R 12;466-73, 2015.

Mehdi Kordi, Daniel L. Belavý, Gabriele Armbrecht, Adnan Sheikh, Dieter Felsenberg, Guy Trudel.  Loss and re-adaptation of lumbar intervertebral disc water signal intensity after prolonged bedrest. Journal of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions. 15, 294-300; 2015.

Guy Trudel, Odette Laneuville Elizabeth Coletta, Louis Goudreau, Hans K. Uhthoff.  Quantitative and Temporal Differential Recovery of Articular and Muscular Limitations of Knee Joint Contractures; Results in a Rat Model. Journal of Applied Physiology. 177(7), 730-737, 2014.

Guy Trudel
, Elisabeth Coletta, Ian Cameron, Daniel L. Belavý, Martin Lecompte, Gabriele Armbrecht, Dieter Felsenberg, Hans Uhthoff.  Resistive exercises with or without whole-body vibration prevent vertebral marrow fat accumulation during 60 days of head-down tilt bed rest in men. Journal of Applied Physiology. 112:1824-1831, 2012. 

All Other Publications

Kayleigh Wong, Fangui Sun, Guy Trudel, Paola Sebastiani, Odette Laneuville. Temporal gene expression profiling of the rat knee joint capsule during immobilization-induced joint contracture” BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 16: 125, 2015.

Hans Uhthoff, Elisabeth Coletta, Guy Trudel.  The effect of timing of surgical SSP tendon repair on muscle alterations. Journal of Orthopedic Research. 32:1430-5, 2014. 

Hans Uhthoff, Elisabeth Coletta, Guy Trudel.  Intramuscular fat accumulation and muscle atrophy in the absence of muscle retraction.  Bone and Joint Research, 3(4), 117-122, 2014.

Guy Trudel, Stephen E. Ryan, Kawan Rakhra, Hans K. Uhthoff.  Muscle Tissue Atrophy, Extramuscular and Intramuscular Fat Accumulation, and Fat Gradient after Delayed Repair of the Supraspinatus Tendon; a Comparative Study in the Rabbit. Journal of Orthopaedic Research. 30:781–786, 2012.

 Guy Trudel, Stephen E. Ryan, Kawan Rakhra, Hans K. Uhthoff  Extra- and intramuscular fat accumulation early after rabbit supraspinatus tendon division: depiction with CT. Radiology. 252:434-441, 2010.