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Contact Information

Ian Lorimer, PhD

Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Centre for Cancer Therapeutics
501 Smyth Road
Box 926
Ottawa, ON
K1H 8L6

ORCID logo https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2128-348X


Greener lab research: our cancer researchers are leading the way
April 18, 2023 - “The most successful initiatives begin with a group of engaged individuals coming together and simply getting started. So that’s what we decided to do in our cancer research program.”
Using stem cells to treat brain cancer: pilot study highlights potential new approach
August 16, 2018 - Stem cells are usually associated with repairing damaged tissue and treating degenerative diseases, but they also have a unique property that may be harnessed to fight cancer. When injected into the body, stem cells naturally migrate to tumours, ...