Justin Presseau profile picture

Contact Information

Justin Presseau, PhD
(+1) 613-737-8899 x73821

Research Administrative Assistant:
Monika Szejbach
(+1) 613-737-8899 x72297

ORCID logo https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2132-0703

Group Members

The Presseau Group is multidisciplinary team of research staff and trainees focused on rigorously drawing from - and contributing to - behavioural and implementation science to support the health and well-being of patients, the public, and supporting health providers in the health care system to provide high quality care. We do so in partnership with interest holders including patients, people with lived experience and health system decision makers and health providers, and with a strong commitment to equity-focused research.

Our team draws upon multiple methodological approaches (e.g., evidence syntheses, qualitative methods, priority-setting methods, surveys, and randomized trials), spanning a number of different clinical areas including chronic disease, blood and tissue, infectious diseases and personalized health. Further, we are committed to developing theory, methods and evidence in conceptually novel areas including building and rebuilding trust, the effectiveness of implementation intentions for behaviour change, strategies for addressing mis/disinformation, understanding and supporting sustained change, and moving from single to multiple behaviour change approaches. 

We support multidisciplinary training opportunities including undergraduate, graduate and post-doctoral supervision through affiliations with the University of Ottawa School of Epidemiology and Public Health and School of Psychology, as well summer studentships and practicum placements.

Current Members

current member
Dr. Jen Olson, Senior Methodologist
@JenLOlsonResearchGateLinkedInGoogle Scholar
current member
Dr. Cole Etherington, Senior Research Associate
Google Scholar
current member
Dr. Jacob Crawshaw, Senior Methodologist
@JakeECrawshawResearchGateLinkedInGoogle Scholar
current member
Dr. Zack van Allen, Research Associate
@Zack_van_AllenLinkedInGoogle Scholar
current member
Emily Gibson, Research Coordinator
current member
ChloƩ Desjardins, Research Coordinator
current member
Jennifer Tetzlaff, Methodologist
@JMTetzlaffLinkedInGoogle Scholar
current member
Amelia Palumbo, Research Assistant
current member
Mackenzie Dowson, Research Assistant
current member
Dr. Cleo Jui-Hsia Hung, CanHepC-funded PhD Student
current member
Dr. Manavi Maharshi, Post-doc fellow
current member
Ashutosh Upreti, Queen's University practicum trai
current member
Megan Bennett, Summer Student (2024)
current member
Stefanie Linklater, Research Program Manager
@StefLinklaterResearchGateLinkedInGoogle Scholar
current member
Monika Szejbach, Research Administrative Assistant

Past group members

Dr. Elisabeth Vesnaver (CIHR Health System Impact Post-doc fellow, now Implementation Scientist at PSO/BORN Ontario and CIHR HSI Embedded Early Career Researcher)
Dr. Guillaume Fontaine (CIHR Banting Post-doc fellow, now Assistant Professor at McGill)
Dr. Nicola McCleary (post-doc fellow, now Implementation Scientist at SickKids)
Dr. Gail McMillan (Senior Methodologist, now at NHS Scotland)
Tori Langmuir (Research Assistant, now graduate student in clinical psychology at Concordia University)
Snimer Nagi (undergraduate thesis student, now graduate student at uOttawa)
Dr. Valerie Umaefulam (Research Associate, now at University of Manitoba)
Gisell Castillo (Research Coordinator, now at CAMH)
Mackenzie Wilson (Research Coordinator, now at PHAC)
Jana Galley (practicum student 2022, now graduate student at UofT)
- John Bonnell (MSc student 2020 – now medical student at University of Toronto)
Cathryn Espadero (graduate practicum student - 2022)
- Mackenzie Dowson (graduate practicum student - 2022)
- Kristina Michaliszyn (undergraduate thesis student - 2020
Amelia Palumbo (undergraduate practicum student - 2019)
Emily Magel (undergraduate thesis student - 2018)
Isabelle Perkins (undergraduate practicum student - 2018)
- Dominic Rowe (undergraduate thesis student - 2018)
- Daud Zeb (undergraduate thesis student - 2018)
- Anna Fedotova (undergraduate practicum student - 2017)