Lacoste Lab

Lacoste Lab

Baptiste Lacoste profile picture

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News And Updates

December 11th, 2018. The very first publication from the Lacoste lab (by an undergrad!!) is now live on PubMed. Congrats Peter! Beautiful review on metabolic syndrome and the blood-brain barrier.

April 16th, 2018
. Another good news: we can now run peacefully our project on astroglio-vasclar interactions thanks to 5-year funding from NSERC!

January 22nd, 2018. Fantastic! Our project investigating the vascular underpinnings of autism has just received 5 years of generous funding from CIHR!

March 22nd, 2017
. Great news! We got awarded a grant from the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada! This provide 3 years of funding to support our great project investigating cerebrovascular remodeling after ischemic stroke.

October 10th, 2017. New research grant! Generous support from the Scotttish Rite Charitable Foundation of Canada will help us further develop our initiative on autism spectrum disorders!

April 24th, 2017. Very first grant obtained by the lab! Thanks to the J.P. Bickell Foundation we can now initiate our research adventure on autism spectrum disorders!