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Contact Information

Philip Wells, MD, FRCPC, MSc
613-737-8899 ext 71056

Professor, Chair and Chief, Department of Medicine,The University of Ottawa, Faculty of Medicine and The Ottawa Hospital
Senior Scientist, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute

The Ottawa Hospital - General Campus
501 Smyth Rd, Box 206
Ottawa, Ontario K1H 8L6

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Can AI predict major bleeds from blood thinners?
May 28, 2024 - “More research is needed before we can use AI tools in the clinic to predict bleeding risk, but this proof-of-concept study shows they hold great promise.”
Tools can identify which patients should stop taking blood thinners for unexplained blood clots
November 30, 2022 - Over 750,000 Canadians will have an unexplained vein blood clot in their lifetime, known as venous thrombosis.
Ottawa doctor recognized as one of the top blood vessel researchers in Canada
January 23, 2020 - Dr. Philip Wells has received a major honour recognizing his outstanding contributions to advancing care in blood and blood vessel sciences both in Canada and around the world.
Research could help people with cancer avoid life-threatening blood clots
February 20, 2019 - In September 2018, Harold Black had trouble catching his breath while singing in his church choir. It turned out he had a life-threatening blood clot – a condition that is more common in people with cancer, like Harold. Today, people with cancer ...
Drug dramatically reduces risk of dangerous blood clots in cancer patients
December 4, 2018 - A Canadian clinical trial published in the New England Journal of Medicine provides the first approach for safely preventing blood clots (or venous thromboembolism) in people with cancer. About half of people newly diagnosed with a solid cancer ...
Top Research Papers from The Ottawa Hospital 2015-2017
June 7, 2018 - Did you know that researchers at The Ottawa Hospital publish an average of four new scientific papers every single day? Our research is advancing science and improving health on a massive scale – both at home and around the world. The list below ...
Aspirin as good as blood thinner for preventing blood clots after hip and knee replacement surgery
April 6, 2018 - Drs. Paul Kim, Wade Gofton, Phil Wells, Marc Rodger, Marc Carrier and Doug Coyle co-authored a study in the New England Journal of Medicine that found aspirin to be just as good as the blood thinner rivaroxaban for preventing blood clots after a ...
New blood thinner better at preventing recurrent blood clots than aspirin
March 18, 2017 - An international research team with prominent Canadian leadership has found that the blood thinner rivaroxaban is as safe as aspirin, and more effective at preventing recurrence of life-threatening blood clots in the legs and lungs, according to a
Benefits of continuing anti-blood clot medication outweigh the risks: study
August 10, 2016 - An analysis of an international trial, published in Chest and led by Dr. Philip Wells, found that the benefits of using the anti-blood clotting medication rivaroxaban long-term to treat clots in the legs outweigh the risks. Over 30,000 ...
Campaign launched to raise $50 million for research
November 5, 2014 - Researchers gathered along with corporate and community supporters at the Canada Aviation and Space Museum this past Wednesday for the unveiling of The Ottawa Hospital Foundation’s most ambitious research campaign to date: TLR. TLR stands for “Tender