Venk Group

Venk Group

Venkatesh Thiruganasambandamoorthy profile picture

Contact Information

Venkatesh Thiruganasambandamoorthy, MBBS, CCFP-EM, MSc
613-998-5555 x17023

Iris Nguyen
Clinical Research Program Manager
613-798-5555 x17766

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Venkatesh Thiruganasambandamoorthy

Senior Scientist, Acute Care Research
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Community Medicine
University of Ottawa
Emergency Physician, Emergency Department
The Ottawa Hospital
Tier-1 Clinical Research Chair in Cardiovascular Emergencies
University of Ottawa
Mid-Career Clinical KT Fellow
Physicians’ Services Incorporated Foundation

Research Interests

  1. Risk-stratification and standardization of syncope and presyncope care in the emergency and pre-hospital setting
  2. Health services resource utilization for cardiovascular emergencies, specifically syncope and chest pain
  3. Artificial intelligence and machine learning for predicting serious outcomes.
  4. Comparing artificial intelligence prediction to traditional statistical methods.
  5. Remote/Virtual (out-of-hospital) monitoring of vital signs and cardiac rhythm of at-risk patients (COVID-19 positive, or syncope)
  6. Optimizing the Diagnosis of Acute Myocardial Infarction/Injury in Women

Brief Biography

Dr. Venkatesh Thiruganasambandamoorthy is internationally recognized in syncope and presyncope research. He is a Professor in the Departments of Emergency Medicine and Epidemiology at the University of Ottawa as well a Senior Scientist at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute. He completed his Master's in Epidemiology in addition to a Research Fellowship, and mentors Master's and postdoctoral students. He has established one of the largest programs on ED syncope and presyncope.

He internationally recognized for his research on syncope; is the recipient of several peer reviewed grants from Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada (HSFC) and National Institutes of Health (NIH). He has won several excellence awards - National New Investigator Award from the Heart and Stroke; CIHR mid-career award; PSI Foundation mid-career award, Tier-1 Research Chair award, Publication of the Year award and Mentorship award.

He is a co-author in several national and international guidelines and consensus/position statements for syncope. His other research interests include emergency department chest pain management, health systems research and machine learning.

Selected Publications

Top 5 Publications:

Thiruganasambandamoorthy V, Sivilotti M, Le Sage N, Yan J, Huang P, Hegdekar M, Mercier E, Mukarram M, Nemnom MJ, McRae A, Rowe B, Stiell I, Wells GA, Krahn AD, Taljaard M. Multicenter Prospective Validation of the Canadian Syncope Risk Score. JAMA Intern Med. 2020;180(5):737-744. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2020.0288

Thiruganasambandamoorthy V, McRae AD, Rowe BH, Sivilotti M, Mukarram M, Nemnom MJ, Booth R, Calder L, Stiell I, Wells GA, Taljaard M. Does NT-proBNP improve the Risk-Stratification of Emergency Department Patients with Syncope? Annals of Internal Medicine (Impact factor: 19.32). 19 May 2020, 172(10): 648-655.

Thiruganasambandamoorthy V, Rowe BH, Sivilottie MLA, McRae AD, Arcot K, Nemnom M, Huang L, Mukarram M, Krahn AD, Wells GA, Taljaard M. Duration of Electrocardiographic Monitoring of Emergency Department Patients With Syncope. Circulation Journal, 2019 (139). doi:10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.118.036088

Thiruganasambandamoorthy V, Kwong K, Wells GA, Sivilotti MLA, Mukarram MA, Rowe BH, Lang E, Perry JJ, Sheldon R, Stiell IG, Taljaard M. 2016. Development of the Canadian Syncope Risk Score to predict serious adverse events after emergency department assessment of syncope. Canadian Medical Association Journal,188(12): E289-98. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.151469.

Syed S, Gatien M, Perry JJ, Chaudry H, Kim S-M, Kwong K, Mukarram M, Thiruganasambandamoorthy V. 2017. Prospective Validation of a Clinical Decision Rule to Identify Emergency Department Chest Pain Patients Who Can Safely be removed from Cardiac Monitoring: The Ottawa Chest Pain Cardiac Monitoring Rule. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 189(4): E139-E145. doi:

Diseases, conditions and populations of interest

Research and clinical approaches