Patient-Oriented Research and Patient Engagement
Patient-oriented research (POR) is about putting patients first – research that
is informed by patients and focuses on what is important to patients. It produces
information for decision makers and health care providers that will improve health
care practices, therapies and policies. It ensures that new and innovative
diagnostic and therapeutic approaches are applied where they are needed (CIHR 2014).
Patient-Oriented Research
Patient Engagement
Patient-Oriented Research
Refers to a continuum of research that engages patients as partners, focusses on
patient-identified priorities and improves patient outcomes.
This research, conducted by multidisciplinary teams in partnership with relevant stakeholders,
aims to apply the knowledge generated to improve the healthcare systems and practices.
Patient Engagement
Meaningful and active collaboration in governance, priority setting, conducting research and
knowledge translation. Depending on the context patient-oriented research may also engage
people who bring the collective voice of specific, affected communities.