Urologic Oncology Group

Urologic Oncology Group

Luke Thomas Lavallée profile picture

Contact Information

Luke Thomas Lavallée, MDCM, MSc, FRCSC


Administrative Assistant:
Liz Verdon
Phone: 613-737-8899 x 73019
Email: lverdon@toh.ca

The Ottawa Hospital, General Campus
501 ch. Smyth Rd.
Box / C.P. 222
Ottawa, ON
K1H 8L6

ORCID logo https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9286-5965

Clinical Fellowship

The University of Ottawa Uro-oncology program offers a two-year research and clinical fellowship. This program offers a world class Masters in Epidemiology for candidates interested in a career in cancer research. As the sole fellow, there is collegial, encouraging, and personal mentorship from four academic, fellowship-trained Uro-oncologists at a single clinical site integrated with a cancer centre and research institute. The clinical exposure includes a high volume of advanced cancer cases, including urinary reconstruction, multi-organ resection, laparoscopy, and open and robotic surgery. The program is significantly invested in the training and fostering of their fellows' careers. Fellows are not required to be on call and financial compensation is generous. Interested individuals please submit your application to icagiannos@toh.ca.