Urologic Oncology Group

Urologic Oncology Group

Luke Thomas Lavallée profile picture

Contact Information

Luke Thomas Lavallée, MDCM, MSc, FRCSC


Administrative Assistant:
Liz Verdon
Phone: 613-737-8899 x 73019
Email: lverdon@toh.ca

The Ottawa Hospital, General Campus
501 ch. Smyth Rd.
Box / C.P. 222
Ottawa, ON
K1H 8L6

ORCID logo https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9286-5965


Selected Publications

Listings from The Ottawa Hospital Library

This lists the 50 most recent publications in The Ottawa Hospital's Library database from this group.This database only starts tracking a researcher's publications once they start working at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute.
More publications may be available in The Ottawa Hospital Library database.

PubMed Listings

For more publications use this PubMed ID link.