Picketts Lab

Picketts Lab

David Picketts profile picture

Contact Information

David Picketts, Ph.D.

Fax: 613-737-8803

Heidi Hickey
(Research Administrative Assistant)
Tel: 613-737-8899 x72794
Email: hhickey@ohri.ca

ORCID logo https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9227-2016


Molecule triggered by running could help with stroke recovery
April 18, 2023 - Research suggests that VGF plays a key role in healing the brain after stroke
The Ottawa Hospital awarded 13 grants worth $11.2 million from Canadian Institutes of Health Research
July 26, 2019 - Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital have been awarded 13 grants worth a total of $11.2 million from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). The new projects focus on areas such as cancer immunotherapy, hepatitis C infection, blood ...
$1.7 million to advance research on colon cancer, brain development, kidney disease and severe fluid loss
July 20, 2018 - Four research groups at The Ottawa Hospital, affiliated with the University of Ottawa, have been awarded $1.7 million in the most recent project grant competition from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Their projects will advance ...
Could a molecule triggered by running help treat MS?
April 20, 2018 - Dr. David Picketts’ team discovered in 2016 that a molecule triggered by running can help repair certain kinds of brain damage in animal models. The molecule, called VGF nerve growth factor inducible, helps heal the protective coating that ...
Running triggers production of a molecule that repairs the brain in animal models of neurodegenerative disease
October 11, 2016 - Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital and the University of Ottawa have discovered that a molecule triggered by running can help repair certain kinds of brain damage in animal models. They found that this molecule, called VGF nerve growth factor ind
Researchers find protein that keeps DNA from collapsing
August 17, 2016 - As the cells in our bodies divide to make new ones, DNA is split apart and copied. In a paper published in Cell Death and Disease, Dr. David Picketts and his team found that a protein called ATRX can keep this replicating DNA from collapsing ...
$890,000 grant to help researchers understand the cell’s professional DNA organizers
February 10, 2016 - Dr. David Picketts and his team were granted $890,000 from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) to learn how two particular proteins (called Snf2h and Snf2l) keep the DNA of brain stem cells organized during their transformation into
Ottawa stroke researchers awarded nearly $500,000
June 17, 2015 - The HSF Canadian Partnership for Stroke Recovery has awarded nearly $500,000 for a number of stroke research projects in Ottawa. Dr. Paul Albert had the top-ranked grant in the competition (and won the Dr. Tony Hakim Stroke Research Award) for his pr
Mice with big brains provide insight into brain regeneration and developmental disorders
May 15, 2012 - Scientists at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (OHRI) and the University of Ottawa (uOttawa) have discovered that mice that lack a gene called Snf2l have brains that are 35 per cent larger than normal. The research, led by Dr. David Picketts an