Picketts Lab

Picketts Lab

David Picketts profile picture

Contact Information

David Picketts, Ph.D.

Fax: 613-737-8803

Heidi Hickey
(Research Administrative Assistant)
Tel: 613-737-8899 x72794
Email: hhickey@ohri.ca

ORCID logo https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9227-2016


Selected Publications

Gibbons, RJ, Picketts, DJ, and Higgs, DR. (1995) X-linked mental retardation associated with a thalassaemia (ATR-X syndrome) results from mutations in a putative global transcriptional regulator. Cell 80, 837-845.

Barak, O., Lazzaro, MA., Lane, WS., Speicher DW., Picketts, DJ., Shiekhattar R. Isolation of human NURF: a regulator of Engrailed gene expression. EMBO J. (2003) 22:6089-6100.

Bérubé, NG, Jagla M, Vanderluit, JL, Garrick, D, Gibbons, RJ, Higgs, DR, Slack, RS, and Picketts, DJ. The chromatin remodeling protein ATRX is critical for neuronal survival during corticogenesis. (2005) J. Clin. Invest. 115: 258-267.

Yip, DJ, Corcoran, CP, DeMaria, A, Rennick, S, Rudnicki, MA, Messier, C, and Picketts DJ. Snf2l regulates Foxg1-dependent progenitor cell expansion in the developing brain. (2012) Dev Cell. 2012 Apr 17;22(4):871-8.

Alvarez-Saavedra, M., Lagali, P., Yan, K., Mears, A., De Repentigny, Y., Hashem, E., Wallace, V.A., Kothary, R., Stopka, T., Skoultchi, A.I., and Picketts, D.J. Snf2h mediates histone dynamics to control cerebellar development and function. Nature Comm (2014) 5:4181

Alvarez-Saavedra M., De Repentigny Y., Yang D., O'Meara R., Yan K., Racacho L., Ioshikhes I., Parks RJ., Kothary R., Picketts, D.J. (2016) Voluntary Running Triggers VGF-Mediated Oligodendrogenesis to Prolong the Lifespan of Snf2h-Null Ataxic Mice. Cell Rep. 17: 862-875

All Other Publications

Complete List of Publications

1. Picketts, DJ, Mayanil, C.S.K., and R.S. Gupta.(1989) Molecular cloning of a Chinese Hamster mitochondrial protein related to the "chaperonin" family of bacterial and plant proteins. J. Biol. Chem. 264, 12001-12008

2. Gupta, R.S., Picketts, DJ, and S.Ahmad. (1989) A novel ubiquitous protein "chaperonin" supports the endosymbiotic origin of mitochondrion and plant chloroplasts. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 163, 780-787

3. Picketts, DJ, D'Souza, C., Bridge,P.J., and D.P. Lillicrap. (1992) An A to T transversion at position -5 in the factor IX promoter results in hemophilia B. Genomics 12, 161-163
4. Picketts, DJ, Cameron, C., Taylor,S.A.M., Deugau, K.V., and D.P. Lillicrap.(1992) Differential termination of primer extension: A novel, quantifiable method for the detection of point mutations. Human Genetics 89, 155-157.

5. Picketts, DJ, Lillicrap, D.P., and C.R.Mueller (1993) Synergy between the transcription factors DBP and C/EBP compensate for a Hemophilia B Factor IX promoter mutation. Nature Genetics 3, 175-179.

6. Picketts, DJ; Mueller, C.R.; Lillicrap, D.P.(1994) Transcriptional control of the factor IX gene: Analysis of 5 cis-acting elements and the deleterious effects of naturally occuring hemophilia B Leyden mutations. Blood 84, 2992-3000.

7. Bernet, A., Sabatier, S., Picketts, DJ, Ouazana, R., Morle, F., Higgs, D.R., and Godet, J. (1995) Targeted inactivation of the major positive regulatoryelement (HS-40) of the human ?-globin gene locus. Blood 86, 1202-1211.

8. Vyas, P., Vickers, M.A., Picketts, DJ, and Higgs, D.R. (1995) Conservation of position and sequence of a novel, widely expressed gene containing the major human ?-globin regulatory element. Genomics 29, 679-689.

9. Gibbons, R.J., Picketts, DJ, and Higgs, D.R. (1995) Syndromal mental retardation due to mutations in a regulator of gene expression. Hum. Mol. Genet. 4 (Review) 1705-1709.

10. Gibbons, RJ, Picketts, DJ, and Higgs, DR. (1995) X-linked mental retardation associated with a thalassaemia (ATR-X syndrome) results from mutations in a putative global transcriptional regulator. Cell 80, 837-845.

11. Picketts, DJ, Higgs, DR, Bachoo, S, Blake, DJ, Quarrell, OWJ, and Gibbons,RJ. (1996) ATRX encodes a novel member of the SNF2 family of proteins: mutations point to a common mechanism underlying the ATR-X syndrome. Hum. Mol. Genet. 5, 1899-1907

12. Gibbons, RJ, Bachoo, S, Picketts, DJ, Aftimo, S, Asenbauer, B, Bergoffen, JA, Berry, SA, Dahl, N, Fryer, A, Keppler, K, Kurosawa, K, Levin, ML, Masuno, M, Neri, G, Pierpont, ME, Slaney, SF, and Higgs, DR. (1997) Mutations in transcriptional regulator ATRX establish the functional significance of a PHD-like domain. Nature Genetics 17, 146-148

13. Picketts, DJ, Tastan, O, Higgs, DR, and Gibbons,RJ. Comparative sequence analysis identifies highly conserved, functionally important regions of the ATRX gene. (1998) Mamm Genome 9, 400-403.

14. McDowell,TL, Gibbons, RJ, Sutherland, H, O'Rourke, DM, Bickmore, WA, Pombo, A, Turley, H, Gatter, K, Picketts, DJ, Buckle VJ, Chapman, L, Rhodes, D, and Higgs, DR. Localisation of a putative transcriptional regulator (ATRX) at pericentromeric heterochromatin and the short arms of acrocentric chromosomes. (1999) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96, 13983-13988

15. Berubé NG, Smeenk CA, and Picketts DJ. Cell cycle dependent phosphorylation of the ATRX protein correlates with changes in nuclear matrix and chromatin association. (2000) Hum. Mol. Genet. 9, 539-547

16. Lazzaro MA and DJ Picketts. Cloning and Characterization of the murine Imitation Switch (ISWI) genes: Differential expression patterns suggest distinct developmental roles for Snf2h and Snf2l. (2001) J.Neurochem. 77, 1145-1157.

17. Bérubé NG, Jagla M, Smeenk C, De Repentigny Y, Kothary R, and Picketts DJ. Neurodevelopmental defects resulting from ATRX overexpression in transgenic mice. (2002) Hum. Mol. Genet. 11, 253-261

18. Barak, O., Lazzaro, MA., Lane, WS., Speicher DW., Picketts, DJ., Shiekhattar R. Isolation of human NURF: a regulator of Engrailed gene expression. EMBO J. (2003) 22:6089-6100.

19. Yip, DJ and D.J. Picketts. Increasing D4Z4 repeat copy number compromises C2C12 myoblast differentiation. (2003) FEBS Lett. 537, 133-138

20. Barak, O., Lazzaro, MA., Cooch, NS., Picketts, DJ., Shiekhattar, R. A tissue-specific naturally occuring human SNF2L variant inactivates chromatin remodelling. J. Biol. Chem. (2004) 279:45130-45138.

21. Tang J., Wu.S., Liu H., Stratt, R., Barak OG., Shiekhattar R., Picketts, DJ and Yang X. A novel transcription regulatory complex containing death domain-associated protein and the ATR-X syndrome protein. J. Biol.Chem. 2004; 279:20369-77.

22. Vallee, D., Chevrier, E., Graham, GE., Lazzaro, M., Lavigne, PA., Hunter, AG., Picketts, DJ. A novel PHF6 mutation results in enhanced exon skipping and mild Borjeson-Forssman-Lehmann Syndrome. J. Med. Genet. 2004; 41: 778-783.

23. Bérubé, NG, Jagla M, Vanderluit, JL, Garrick, D, Gibbons, RJ, Higgs, DR, Slack, RS, and Picketts, DJ. The chromatin remodeling protein ATRX is critical for neuronal survival during corticogenesis. (2005) J. Clin. Invest. 115: 258-267. Impact Factor: 15.754

24. Conte, D., Holcik, M., Lefebvre, C.A., Lacasse, E., Picketts, DJ., Wright, K.E., and Korneluk, R.G. Inhibitor of apoptosis proteins cIAP2 is essential for lipopolysaccharide-induced macrophage survival. (2006) Mol Cell Biol. 26:699-708. Impact Factor: 6.773

25. Lazzaro, MA, Pepin, D, Pescador, N, Murphy, BD, Vanderhyden, BC, and DJ Picketts. The ISWI protein SNF2L regulates steriodogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR) expression during terminal differentiation of ovarian granulose cells. (2006) Mol. Endocrinol. 20: 2406-2417 Impact Factor: 4.967

26. Picketts, DJ. Neuropeptide signaling and hydrocephalus: SCO with the flow. (2006) J. Clin. Invest. 116: 1828-1832 Impact Factor: 15.754

27. Pépin D, Vanderhyden BC, Picketts DJ, Murphy BD. ISWI chromatin remodeling in ovarian somatic and germ cells: revenge of the NURFs. (2007) Trends Endocrinol Metab. 18(5):215-224. Impact Factor: 7.066

28. Bérubé NG, Healy J, Medina CF, Wu S, Hodgson T, Jagla M, Picketts DJ. Patient mutations alter ATRX targeting to PML nuclear bodies. (2008) Eur J Hum Genet. 16: 192-201. Impact Factor: 3.697

29. Lazzaro MA, Todd MAM, Lavigne P, Vallee D, De Maria A, Picketts DJ. Characterization of novel isoforms and evaluation of SNF2L/SMARCA1 as a candidate gene for X-linked mental retardation in 12 families linked to Xq25-26. (2008) BMC Med Genet 9:11. Impact Factor: 2.65

30. Medina, CF, Mazerolle, C, Wang, Y, Bérubé NG, Coupland, S, Gibbons, RJ, Wallace, VA, and Picketts DJ. Altered visual function and interneuron survival in Atrx knockout mice: Inference for the human syndrome. (2009) Hum. Mol. Genet. 18: 966-977. Impact Factor: 8.333

31. Mangelsdorf, M., Chevrier, E., Mustonen, A., and Picketts, DJ. A novel PHD mutation in the PHF6 gene causes Borjeson-Forssman-Lehmann Syndrome. (2009) J. Child Neurol. 24: 610-614. Impact Factor: 1.095

32. Carter, MT., Picketts, DJ., Hunter, AG., and Graham, GE. Further clinical delineation of the Börjeson-Forssman-Lehmann syndrome in patients with PHF6 mutations. (2009) Am. J. Med. Genet. 149A: 246-250. Impact Factor: 2.479

33. Huh, M, Todd, MAM, and Picketts DJ. SCO-ping out the mechanisms underlying the etiology of hydrocephalus. (2009) Physiology (Bethesda) 24: 117-126. Impact Factor: 6.997

34. Lagali, PS, Corcoran, CP, and Picketts DJ. Hippocampus development and function: Role of epigenetic factors and implications for cognitive disease. (2010) Clin. Genet. 78: 321-333. Impact Factor: 3.304

35. Chao, MM, Todd, MA, Kontny, U, Neas, K, Sullivan, MJ, Hunter, AG, Picketts, DJ*, and Kratz CP*. T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia in association with Börjeson-Forssman-Lehmann syndrome due to a mutation in PHF6. (2010) Pediatr. Blood Cancer. 55: 722-724. * Co-Senior Authors. Impact Factor: 2.134

36. Strom, A, Wang, GS, Picketts, DJ, Reimer, R, Stuke, AW, and Scott FW. Cellular prion protein localizes to the nucleus of endocrine and neuronal cells and interacts with structural chromatin components. (2011) Eur. J. Cell Biol. 90:414-419. Impact Factor: 3.314

37. Iwase, S, Xiang, B, Ghosh, S, Ren, T, Lewis, PW, Cochrane, JC, Allis, CD, Picketts, DJ, Patel, DJ*, Li, H* and Shi, Y* ATRX links atypical histone methylation recognition mechanisms to human brain function. (2011) Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 18:769-776 * Co-Senior Authors. Impact Factor: 12.273

38. Lee J, Hong YK, Jeon GS, Hwang YJ, Kim KY, Seong KH, Jung MK, Picketts DJ, Kowall NW, Cho RS, Ryu H. ATRX induction by mutant hutingtin via Cdx2 modulates heterochromatin condensation and pathology in Huntington's disease (2012). Cell Death Differ. 19: 1109-1116. Impact Factor: 9.050

39. Lagali PS, Picketts DJ. Matters of Life and Death: The role of chromatin remodeling proteins in retinal neuron survival. (2011). J. Ocular Biol. Dis. Infor. 4:111-120.

40. Yip, DJ, Corcoran, CP, DeMaria, A, Rennick, S, Rudnicki, MA, Messier, C, and Picketts DJ. Snf2l regulates Foxg1-dependent progenitor cell expansion in the developing brain. (2012) Dev Cell. 2012 Apr 17;22(4):871-8. Impact Factor: 14.030

41. Todd MA, Picketts DJ. PHF6 interacts with the nucleosome remodeling and deacetylation (NuRD) complex. J Proteome Res. (2012) 11:4326-37. Impact Factor: 5.113.

42. Huh MS, Price O'Dea T, Ouazia D, McKay BC, Parise G, Parks RJ, Rudnicki MA, Picketts DJ. Compromised genomic integrity impedes muscle growth after Atrx inactivation. J Clin Invest. (2012) 122 :4412-23. Impact Factor: 15.754

43. Conte, D., Huh, M., Goodall, E., Delorme, M., Parks, RJ., Picketts, DJ. Loss of Atrx sensitizes cells to 5-fluorouracil and p53-mediated death pathways. PLos One. (2012) 7:e52167. Impact Factor: 4.092

44. McNeill, B., Mazerolle, C., Bassett, E., Mears, A. J., Ringuette, R., Lagali, P., Picketts, D. J., Paes, K., Rice, D. and V. A. Wallace. Hedgehog directly regulates Norrie Disease Protein to drive neural progenitor proliferation. Hum. Mol. Genet. (2013) 22:1005-16. Impact Factor: 7.636

45. Pépin, D., Paradis, F., Perez-Iratxeta, C., Picketts, D.J., and Vanderhyden, B.C. The ISWI ATPase Snf2L is required for superovulation and regulates Fgl2 in differentiating mouse granulose cells. Biol. Reprod. (2013) 88(6) Impact Factor: 4.009

46. Alvarez-Saavedra, M., Lagali, P., Yan, K., Mears, A., De Repentigny, Y., Hashem, E., Wallace, V.A., Kothary, R., Stopka, T., Skoultchi, A.I., and Picketts, D.J. Snf2h mediates histone dynamics to control cerebellar development and function. Nature Comm (2014) 5:4181

47. Metzakopian E, Bouhali K, Alvarez-Saavedra M, Whitsett JA, Picketts DJ, Ang SL.
Genome-wide characterisation of Foxa1 binding sites reveals several mechanisms for regulating neuronal differentiation in midbrain dopamine cells. Development (2015) 142: 1315-1324. Impact Factor: 6.273

48. Todd, M.A., Ivanochko, D., and Picketts, D.J. PHF6 degrees of separation: The multifaceted roles of a chromatin adaptor protein. Genes (Basel). (2015) 6: 325-352. Impact Factor: 1.151

49. Huh, MS., Ivanochko D., Hashem, E., Curtin, M., Delorme, M., Goodall, E., Yan, K., Picketts, D.J. (2016) Stalled replication forks within heterochromatin require ATRX for protection. Cell Death and Disease 12:e2220. Impact Factor: 5.378

50. Ringuette R., Atkins M., Lagali PS, Bassett EA, Campbell C., Mazerolle C., Mears AJ., Picketts, D.J., Wallace, VA (2016) A Notch-Gli2 axis sustains Hedgehog responsiveness of neural progenitors and Müller glia. Dev. Biol. 411(1):85-100. Impact Factor: 3.155

51. Dennis, D., Picketts, D.J., Slack, R.S., and Schuurmans, C. (2016) Forebrain neurogenesis: From embryo to adult. Trends Dev Biol 9: 77-90.

52. Lagali, P., Medina, C.F., Zhao, B.Y., Yan, K., Baker, A.N., Coupland, S.G., Tsilfidis, C., Wallace, V.A., and Picketts, D.J. (2016) Retinal interneuron survival requires non-cell-autonomous Atrx activity. Hum. Mol. Genet. Sept 4. (Epub ahead of print) Impact Factor: 5.985

53. Todd, M., Huh, MS, Picketts, D.J. (2016) Sub-nucleolar PHF6 localization mediates rDNA expression. Eur. J. Hum. Genet. 24:1453-1459. Impact Factor: 4.580

54. Alvarez-Saavedra M., De Repentigny Y., Yang D., O'Meara R., Yan K., Racacho L., Ioshikhes I., Parks RJ., Kothary R., Picketts, D.J. (2016) Voluntary Running triggers VGF-mediated oligodendrogenesis to prolong the lifespan of Snf2h-null ataxic mice. Cell Rep. 17: 862-875 Impact Factor: 7.870

55. Huh, M., Young, K.G., Yan, K., Price-O’Dea, T., Picketts, D.J. (2017) Recovery from impaired muscle growth arises from prolonged postnatal accretion of myonuclei in Atrx mutant mice. PLoS One 12(11). e0186989 Impact Factor: 2.806

56. Goodwin, L.R., and Picketts, D.J. (2018) The role of ISWI chromatin remodeling complexes in brain development and neurodevelopmental disorders. Mol. Cell. Neurosci. 87:55-64Impact Factor: 3.084

57. Danussi C, Bose P, Parthasarathy PT, Silberman PC, Van Arnam JS, Vitucci M, Tang OY, Heguy A, Wang Y, Chan TA, Riggins GJ, Sulman EP, Lang F, Creighton CJ, Deneen B, Miller CR, Picketts DJ, Kannan K, Huse JT. (2018) Atrx inactivation drives disease-defining phenotypes in glioma cells of origin through global epigenomic remodeling. Nat Comm. 9: 1057-1072. Impact Factor: 12.353

PubMed Listings

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