Shamy Lab

Shamy Lab

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Michel Shamy, MD MA FRCPC

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Selected Publications

1. Shamy MCF, Pugliese MW, Meisel K, Rodriguez R, Kim AS, Stahnisch FW, Smith EE. How Patient Demographics, Imaging and Physician Beliefs Influence IV tPA Administration: A Survey of Neurologists in Canada and the United States. Stroke 2016;47:2051-57.

2. Shamy MCF, Stahnisch FW, Hill MD. Fallibility: A New Perspective on the Ethics of Clinical Trial Enrollment. International Journal of Stroke 2015;1:2-6.

3. Fedyk M, Shamy MCF. Projectability, Disagreement and Consensus: A Challenge to Clinical Equipoise. Theoretical & Applied Ethics 2014;3:17-34.

4. Shamy MCF, Jaigobin CS. The Complexities of Acute Stroke Decision-Making: A Survey of Neurologists. Neurology 2013;81:1-4.

5. Boyko M, Iancu D, Lesiuk H, Dowlatshahi D, Shamy MCF. Decision-Making and the Limits of Evidence: A Case Report of Acute Stroke in Pregnancy. The Neurohospitalist 2016;6:70-75.

All Other Publications

6.  Quimby A, Shamy MCF. The Canadian Management of BSE in Historical and Scientific Perspective, 1990-2014. Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences 2015;42:472-81.

7. Kamal N, Hill MD, Blacquiere DPV, Boulanger J-M, Boyle K, Buck B, Butcher K, Camden M-C, Casaubon LK, Coté R, Demchuk AM, Dowlatshahi D, Dubuc V, Field TS, Ghrooda E, Gioia L, Gladstone DJ, Goyal M, Gubitz G, Harris D, Hart RG, Hunter G, Jeerakathil T, Jin A, Khan K, Lang E, Lanthier S, Lindsay MP, Mackey A, Mandzia J, Mehdiratte M, Minuk J, Oczkowski W, Odier C, Penn A, Perry J, Pettersen JA, Phillips SJ, Poppe AY, Saposnik G, Selchen D, Shamy M, Sharma M, Shoamanesh A, Shuaib A, Silver F, Stotts G, Swartz R, Tamayo A, Teitelbaum J, Verreault S, Wein T, Yip S, Coutts SB. Rapid Assessment and Treatment of TIA and Minor Stroke in Emergency Departments — Time for a Paradigm Shift. Stroke 2015; 46: 2987-2990.

8. Douglas V, Shamy M, Bhattacharya P. Should CT Angiography Be A Routine Component of Acute Stroke Imaging? The Neurohospitalist 2015;5:97-100.

9. Shamy MCF, Fedyk M. Brain Death, Culture & Personhood. Neurology WriteClick. Epub June 1, 2015.

10. Shamy MCF. What CTP Can and Cannot Tell Us. Neurology 2016;86:880.

11. Day GS, Tang-Wai DF, Shamy MCF. A Case Study in the History of Neurology. The Neurohospitalist 2016; epub ahead of print May 27.

12. Shamy MCF. Author reply: The Complexities of Acute Stroke Decision-Making: A Survey of Neurologists. Neurology 2014;82:904.

13. Goyal M, Shamy M, Menon B, Saver JL, Diener H-C, Mocco J, Mendes Pereira V, Zaidat O, Levy EI, Demchuk A, Hill MD. Endovascular Stroke Trials: Why We Must Enrol All Eligible Patients. Stroke 2013;44:3591-3595.

14. Rodriguez RA, Shamy M, Dowlatshahi D, Nathan HJ. Can Mismatch Negativity Reduce Uncertainty in the Prediction of Awakening from Coma during Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation? Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 2015;29:1627-1631.

15. Shamy MCF, Fedyk M. What Statistics Cannot Tell Us about the Neurological Examination. Annals of Neurology 2012; 71:434-436.

16. Shamy MCF, Zai C, Bazile VS, Kennedy JL, Müller DJ, Masellis M. Ethical and Policy Considerations in the Application of Pharmacogenomic Testing for Tardive Dyskinesia: Case Study of the Dopamine D3 Receptor. Current Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine 2011;9:94-101.

17. Englot DJ, Yang L, Hamid H, Danielson N, Bai X, Marfeo A, Yu L, Gordon A, Purcaro MJ, Motelow JE, Agarwal R, Ellens DJ, Golomb JD, Shamy MCF, Zhang H, Carlson C, Doyle W, Devinsky O, Vives K, Spencer DD, Spencer SS, Schevon C, Zaveri HP, Blumenfeld H. Impaired consciousness in temporal lobe seizures: role of cortical slow activity. Brain 2010;133:3764-77.

18. Shamy MCF. The Treatment of Psychogenic Movement Disorders with Suggestion is Ethically Justified. Movement Disorders 2010;25:260-264.

19. Shamy MCF, Upshur R. How doctors think. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 2008;51:158-160.