Burger Lab

Burger Lab

Dylan Burger profile picture

Contact Information

Dylan Burger, PhD
613-562-5800 x 8171

2516-451 Smyth Rd.
Ottawa, ON
K1H 7N9

ORCID logo https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3951-2911


National Research Council- New Beginnings Grant (2023-2024 with Dr. Arsalan Haqqani)
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (2023-2028)
Kidney Foundation of Canada (2022-2024)
National Science and Engineering Research Council (2021-2026)
The Kidney Foundation of Canada (2020-2022 with Dr. Marcel Ruzicka)
Joan Sealy Trust Grant for Cancer Research (2019-2020 with Dr. Phil Wells)
The Ottawa Hospital Department of Medicine (2019-2020)
Ontario Early Researcher Award (2018-2023)
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (2017-2022)
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (2016-2017)
Canadian Foundation for Innovation (2016-2021)
Canadian Diabetes Association (2014-2017)
Kidney Research Scientist Core Education and National Training Program (2014-2017)