Burger Lab

Burger Lab

Dylan Burger profile picture

Contact Information

Dylan Burger, PhD
613-562-5800 x 8241

2513-451 Smyth Rd.
Ottawa, ON
K1H 7N9

ORCID logo https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3951-2911


Selected Publications

1. Munkonda MN, Akbari S, Landry C, Turner M, Sun S, Holterman CE, Nasrallah R, Hébert RL, Kennedy CRJ, Burger, D* (2018) “Podocyte-derived Microparticles Promotes Proximal Tubule Fibrotic Signaling Via p38 MAPK and CD36”. J Extracell Ves Feb 2;7(1):1432206.

2. Abolbaghaei A, Langlois MA, Murphy H, Feig D*, Burger D* (2021) “Circulating extracellular vesicles during pregnancy in women with type 1 diabetes”. Biomark Res 9(1):67.

3. Myette RL, Xiao F, Geier P, Feber J, Kennedy CRJ, Burger D (2023) “Urinary Podocyte-derived Large Extracellular Vesicles are Increased in Pediatric Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome”. Nephrol Dial Transpl doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfad086

4. Kereliuk SM, Xiao F, Dolinsky VW*, Burger D* (2022) “Extracellular vesicles as an index for endothelial injury and cardiac dysfunction in a rodent model of GDM”. Int J Mol Sci 23(9):4970.

5. Burger D, Thibodeau JF, Holterman CE, Burns KD, Touyz RM, Kennedy CRJ (2014) “Urinary podocyte microparticles identify pre-albuminuric diabetic glomerular injury”. J Am Soc Nephrol 25(7) 1401-1407

6. Olsen MH, Angell SY, Asma S, Boutouyrie P, Burger D, Chirinos JA, Damasceno A, Delles C, Giminez-Roqueplo A, Hering D, López-Jaramillo P, Martinez F, Perkovic V, Rietzschel ER, Schillaci G, Schutte AE, Scuteri A, Sharman JE, Wachtell K, Wang JG (2016) “A call to action and a life-course strategy to address the global burden of raised blood pressure on current and future generations: The Lancet Commission on Hypertension”. Lancet 26;388(10060):2665-2712.

All Other Publications

1. Tschirhart BJ, Lu X, Gomes J, Chandrabalan A, Bell G, Hess DA, Lin H, Burger D, Feng Q (2023) “Annexin A5 Inhibits Endothelial Inflammation Induced by Lipopolysaccharide-Activated Platelets and Microvesicles via Phosphatidylserine Binding”. In press with Pharmaceuticals

2. Salehi R, Abedini A, Wyse BA, Pan B, Urata Y, Gutsol A, Vinas JL, Jahangiri S, Xue K, Xue Y, Burns KD, Vanderhyden B, Li J, Burger D, Librach CL, Tsang BK (2023) “Androgen-induced exosomal miR-379-5p release determines granulosa cell fate: cellular and molecular basis of polycystic ovarian syndrome”. J Ovarian Res 16(1):74. doi: 10.1186/s13048-023-01141-1

3. Asare-Werehene M, Hunter R, Gerber E, Reunov A, Brine I, Chang CY, Chang CC, Shieh DB, Burger D, Anis H, Tsang BK (2023). “The application of an extracellular vesicle-based biosensor in early diagnosis and prediction of chemoresponsiveness in ovarian cancer”. Cancers 15(9): 2566. doi: 10.3390/cancers15092566

4. Myette RL, Xiao F, Geier P, Feber J, Kennedy CRJ, Burger D (2023) “Urinary Podocyte-derived Large Extracellular Vesicles are Increased in Pediatric Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome”. Nephrol Dial Transpl In press. doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfad086

5. Duong A, Parmar G, Kirkham A, Burger D, Allan DS (2023) “Registered clinical trials investigating treatment with cell-derived extracellular vesicles: a scoping review to understand barriers and timelines to clinical adoption”. Cytotherapy S1465-3249(23)00102-0. doi: 10.1016/j.jcyt.2023.04.007

6. Mohammad S, Bhattacharjee J, Tzaneva V , Hutchinson KA, Shaikh M, Burger D, Adamo KB (2023) “The influence of exercise-associated small extracellular vesicles on trophoblasts in vitro”. Biomedicines 11(3):857. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines11030857

7. Abolbaghaei A, Turner M, Thibodeau JF, Holterman CE, Kennedy CRJ, Burger D (2023) “The proteome of circulating large extracellular vesicles in diabetes and hypertension”. Int J Mol Sci 24(5): 4930. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms24054930

8. Gerber E, Asare-Werehene M, Reunov A, Burger D, Le T, Carmona E, Mes-Masson AM, Tsang BK (2023) “Predicting chemoresponsiveness in epithelial ovarian cancer patients using circulating small extracellular vesicle-derived plasma gelsolin”. J Ovarian Res 16(1): 14.

9. Reyes AB, Burger D (2023) “Small Extracellular Vesicles: A New Player in GDM Pathogenesis?” Clin Sci 136(24): 1873-1875

10. Van Royen M, Soekmadji C, Grange C, Webber J, Tertel T, Droste M, Buescher A, Giebel B, Llorente A, Blijdorp C, Burger D, Erdbrügger U, Martens-Uzunova ES (2022) “The Urinary EVs Storage Quick Reference Card – a practical guideline for research and clinical laboratories”. J Extracell Ves 12(3)e12286. doi: 10.1002/jev2.12286.

11. Erdbrügger U, Hoorn E, Le TH, Blijdorp C, Burger D (2023) “Extracellular Vesicles in Renal Diseases: Moving Forward” Kidney360 4(2): 245-257.doi: 10.34067/kid.0001892022

12. Burger D, Abdelrasoul A, Alexander RT, Ballermann B, Bridgewater D, Chant JSD, Cunanan J, Cybulsky AV, Gunaratnam L, Hartwig S, Kapus A, Kennedy CRJ, Lamarche C, Myette RL, Nmecha IK, Stalker L, Szaszi K, Torban E, Zhang ZL, Takano T (2023) “Advancing Discovery Research in Nephrology in Canada: A Report From the 2021 Molecules and Mediators of Kidney Health and Disease (M3K) Scientific Meeting and Investigator Summit”. Can J Kid Health Dis 17(9): 20543581221144824.

13. Abolbaghaei A*, Mohammad S*, Fernandes da Silva D, Hutchinson K, Myette RL, Adamo KB*, Burger D* (2022) “Impact of acute moderate-intensity aerobic exercise on circulating extracellular vesicles in pregnant and non-pregnant women”. Appl Phys Nut Metabol 48(2): 198-208. * Equal contribution

14. Lugo-Gavidia LM, Burger D, Nolde J, Matthews VB, Schlaich MP (2022) “Evaluation of circulating platelet extracellular vesicles and hypertension mediated organ damage”. Int J Mol Sci 23(23): 15150.

15. Medeiros T, Alves LS, Castro MJC, Burger D, Almeida JR, Silva AA (2022) “Exploring urinary extracellular vesicles and immune mediators as biomarkers of kidney injury in COVID-19 hospitalized patients”. Diagnostics 12(11): 2600.

16. Lugo-Gavidia LM, Burger D, Nolde J, Caranagarin R, Chan J, Robinson S, Bosio E, Matthews VB, Schlaich MP (2022) “Association of circulating platelet extracellular vesicles and pulse wave velocity with cardiovascular risk estimation”. Int J Mol Sci 23(18): 10524.

17. Schutte AE, Jafar T, Poulter NR, Damasceno A, Khan N, Nilsson PM, Alsaid J, Neupane D, Kario K, Beheiry H, Brouwers S, Burger D, Charchar F, Cho MC, Guzik T, Haji G, Ishaq M, Itoh H, Jones E, Khan T, Kokubo Y, Kotruchin P, Muxfeldt E, Odili A, Patil M, Ralapawana U, Romero C, Schlaich M, Shehab A, Mooi CS, Steckelings UM, Stergiou G, Touyz RM, Unger T, Wainford RW, Wang JG, Williams B, Wynne B, Tomaszewski M (2022) “Addressing global disparities in blood pressure control: Perspectives of the International Society of Hypertension”. Cardiovasc Res (MS ID#: ). doi: 10.1093/cvr/cvac130

18. Rousseau M, Denhez B, Spino C, Lizotte F, Guay A, Cote AM, Burger D, Geraldes P (2022) “Reduction of DUSP4 contributes to podocytes oxidative stress, insulin resistance and diabetic nephropathy”. Biochem Biophys Res Comm 624: 127-133.

19. Schlaich MP, Lugo-Gavidia LM, Burger D, Nolde J, Caranagarin R, Chan J, Bosio E, Matthews V (2022) “Platelet-derived extracellular vesicles correlate with therapy-induced nocturnal blood pressure changes”. J Hypertens 40(11): 2210-2218.

20. Gnanenthiran SR, Borghi C, Burger D, Caramelli B, Charchar F, Chirinos JA, Cohen JB, Cremer A, Di Tanna GL, Duvignaud A, Freilich D, Gommans DHF, Gracia-Ramos AE, Murray T, Pecero-Hidalgo MJ, Pelorosso F, Poulter NR, Puskarich MA, Rizas KD, Rothlin R, Schlaich M, Schreinlecher M, Steckelings UM, Sharma A, Stergiou GS, Tignanelli CJ, Tomaszewski M, Unger T Kimmenade RRJ, Wainford RD, Williams B, Rodgers A, Schutte AE (2022) “Renin-angiotensin system inhibitors in patients with COVID-19:a prospective meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials led by the International Society of Hypertension”. JAHA 11(17): e026143.

21. Kereliuk SM, Xiao F, Dolinsky VW*, Burger D* (2022) “Extracellular vesicles as an index for endothelial injury and cardiac dysfunction in a rodent model of GDM”. Int J Mol Sci 23(9):4970.

22. Abbasian N, Bevington A, Burger D (2022) “Phosphate and Endothelial Function: How Sensing of Elevated Inorganic Phosphate Concentration Generates Signals in Endothelial Cells”. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2022;1362:85-98.

23. Jung RG, Simard T, Di Santo P, Labinaz A, Parlow S, Yang J, Dhaliwal S, Ramirez FD, Xiao F, Lordkipanidze M, Lawrence DA, Burger D, Hibbert B (2022) “Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 platelet-derived extracellular vesicles predicts major adverse cardiac events and promotes the pro-inflammatory smooth muscle cell phenotype”. JACC: Basic to Translational Sciences 7(10): 985-997.

24. Clase CM, Dicks E, Holden R, Sood MM, Levin A, Kalantar-Zadeh R, Moore LW, Bartlett SJ, Bello AK, Bohm C, Bridgewater D, Bouchard J, Burger D, Carrero JJ, Donald M, Elliott M, Goldenberg MJ, Jardine M, Lam NG, Maddigan WJ, Madore F, Mavrankanas T, Molnar AO, Ramesh Prasad GV, Rigatto C, Tennakore KK, Torban E, Trainor L, White CA, Hartwig S (2022) “Can Peer Review Be Kinder? Supportive Peer Review: A Re-Commitment to Kindness and a Call to Action”. Can J Kid Health Dis (9): 1-6.

25. Bathla T, Reyes AB, Abolbaghaei A, Burger D (2022) “Extracellular Vesicles in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: A scoping review”. Diab Vasc Dis Res 19(1):14791641221093901.

26. Lugo-Gavidia LM, Caranagarin R, Burger D, Nolde J, Chan J, Robinson S, Bosio E, Matthews VB, Schlaich MP (2022) “Circulating platelet-derived extracellular vesicles correlate with night-time blood pressure and vascular organ damage and may represent an integrative biomarker of vascular health”. J Clin Hypertens 24(6):738-749.

27. Semenchuk J, Sullivan K, Moineddin R, Mahmud F, Dart A, Wicklow B, Xiao F, Medeiros T, Scholey J, Burger D (2022) “Urinary Interleukin-9 in Youth with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus”. Acta Diabetologica doi: 10.1007/s00592-022-01873-4

28. Holterman CE, Myette RL, Burger D, Kennedy CRJ (2022) “A letter to the editor about "dopamine 1 receptor activation protects mouse diabetic podocytes injury via regulating the PKA/NOX-5/p38 MAPK axis”. Exp Cell Res 415(1):113065

29. Asare-Werehene M, Tsuyoshi H, Zhang H, Salehi R, Chang C-Y, Carmona E, Librach CL, Mes Masson AM, Chang C-C, Burger D, Yoshida Y, Tsang B. (2021) “Plasma gelsolin confers chemoresistance in ovarian cancer by resetting the relative abundance and function of macrophage subtypes”. Cancers 14(4): 1039.

30. Gutsol AA, Blanco P, Hale TM, Thibodeau JF, Holterman CE, Nasrallah R, Corrêa J, Afanasiev S, Touyz RM, Kennedy CRJ, Burger D, Hébert RL, Burns KD (2022), “Comparative analysis of hypertensive nephrosclerosis in animal models of hypertension and its relevance to human pathology.” PloS One 17(2): e0264139.

31. Burger D*, Blijdorp CJ*, Llorente A, Martens-Uzunov ES, Erdbrügger U (2022) “Extracellular Vesicles as Novel Players in Kidney Disease”. J Am Soc Nephrol 33(3) 467-471.
*Equal contribution

32. Lithopoulos MA*, Strueby L*, O’Reilly M, Zhong S, Möbius MA, Eaton F, Fung M, Hurskainen M, Cyr-Depauw C, Suen C, Xu L, Collins JJP, Vadivel A, Stewart DJ, Burger D, Thébaud B (2021) “Pulmonary and Neurologic Effects of Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Extracellular Vesicles in a Multifactorial Lung Injury Model”. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 205(10): 1186-1201.
*Equal contribution

33. Ferrat LR, Forrest R, Sehmi K, Santos RD, Stewart D, Boulton AJM, Jiménez BY, Riley P, Burger D, Jones ESW, Tomaszewski M, Milanese MR, Laffin P, Jha V, Borisch B, Moore M, Eiselé JL, Piñeiro D, Pinto FJ, Lackland DT, Whelton PK, Zhang XH, Stavdal A, Li D, Hobbs R, Pandian JD, Brainin M, Feigin V (2021) “Preventing the next pandemic: the case for investing in circulatory health” Global Heart 16(1):66. doi: 10.5334/gh.1077
-All authors contributed equally to this manuscript

34. Myette RL, Burger D (2021) “Relapse in steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome: are extracellular vesicles the missing link?” Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 321(5):F656-F658

35. Martens-Uzunova ES, Blijdorp CJ, Burger D, Erdbruegger U, Llorente A (2021) “Urinary extracellular vesicles in urology– current successes and challenges ahead”. Eur Urol S0302-2838 (21) 02055-8. doi: 10.1016/j.eururo.2021.09.025

36. Lugo-Gavidia LM, Burger D, Bosio E, Robinson S, Nolde J, Caranagarin R, Matthews VB, Schlaich MP (2021) "A standardized protocol for evaluation of large extracellular vesicles using the attunetm nxt system". J Immunol Methods 499:113170

37. Abolbaghaei A, Langlois MA, Murphy H, Feig D*, Burger D* (2021) “Circulating extracellular vesicles during pregnancy in women with type 1 diabetes”. Biomark Res 9(1):67. Doi: 10.1186/s40364-021-00322-8

38. Myette RL, Burger D, Geier P, Feber J (2021) “Diastolic hypertension is associated with proteinuria in pediatric patients”. Health Sci Rep 4(3):e346.

39. Liu H, Sridhar VS, Lovblom LE, Lytvyn Y, Burger D, Burns KD, Brinc D, Lawler PR, Cherney DZI (2021) “Markers of Kidney Injury, Inflammation, and Fibrosis Associated with Ertugliflozin in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease and Diabetes”. Kidney Int Rep 6(8): 2095-2104

40. Mohammad S, Hutchinson KA, Fernandes da Silva D, Bhattacharjee J, McInnis K, Burger D, Adamo KB (2021) “Circulating small extracellular vesicles increase after an acute bout of moderate intensity exercise in pregnant compared to non-pregnant women”. Sci Rep 11(1): 12615

41. Kongmanas K, Saewu A, Raghupathy R, Kiattiburut W, Baker MA, Faull KF, Burger D, Tanphaichitr N (2021). “Arsa null male mice with subfertility produce high levels of reactive oxygen species in their reproductive system”. Antioxidants 10(6): 912.

42. Erdbrügger U, Blijdorp CJ, Bijnsdorp IV, Borràs FE, Burger D, Bussolati B, Byrd JB, Clayton A, Dear J, Falcón-Pérez JM, Grange C, Hill A, Holthofer H, Hoorn EJ, Jenster G, Jimenez CR, Klein J, Knepper M, Koritzky E, Luther M, Lenassi M, Leivo J, Mertens I, Musante L, Oeyen E, Puhka M, Van Royen M, Soekmadji C, Thongboonkerd V, van Steijn V, Verhaegh G, Webber JP, Witwer K, Yuen PST, Zheng L, Sánchez C, Llorente A, Martens-Uzunova ES (2021) “Urinary Extracellular Vesicles: A Position Paper by the Urine Task Force of the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles”. J Extracell Ves 10(7) e12093 doi: 10.1002/jev2.12093

43. Douvris A, Burger D, Rodriguez R, Clark E, Vinas JL, Lalu M, Shorr R, Burns KD (2021) “MicroRNA in Human Acute Kidney Injury: A Systematic Review Protocol”. Can J Kid Health Dis 8:20543581211009999

44. Lugo-Gavidia LM, Matthews VB, Burger D, Nolde JM, Galindo Kiuchi M, Carnagarin R, Kannenkeril D, Chan J, Joyson A, Herat LY, Azzam O, Schlaich M (2021) “Role of microparticles in cardiovascular disease – Implications for endothelial dysfunction, thrombosis and inflammation”. Hypertension 77(6):1825-1844.

45. Lawler PR, Liu H, Frankfurter C, Lovblom LE, Lytvyn Y, Burger D, Burns KD, Brinc D, Cherney DZI (2020) “Changes in Cardiovascular Biomarkers Associated with the Sodium Glucose Cotransporter-2 (SGLT2) Inhibitor Ertugliflozin in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease and Type 2 Diabetes”. Diabetes Care 44(3) e45-47

46. Bacon S, Burger D, Tailor M, Sanchez JJ, Tomlinson G, Murphy HR, Feig DS on behalf of the CONCEPTT Collaborative Group (2020) “Can placental growth factors explain birthweight variation in women with type 1 diabetes?: A sub-analysis of the CONCEPTT trial.” Diabetologia 64(7) 1527-1537.

47. Gnanenthiran SR, Borghi C, Burger D, Charchar F, Poulter NR, Schlaich M, Steckelings UM, Stergiou GS, Tomaszewski M, Unger T, Wainford RD, Williams B, Rodgers A, Schutte AE (2020) “A Prospective Meta-Analysis Protocol on Randomised Trials of Renin-Angiotensin-System Inhibitors in Patients with Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19): An initiative of the International Society of Hypertension”. BMJ Open 11(2):e043625.

48. Gupta M, Tieu A, Slobodian M, Shorr R, Burger D, Lalu M, Allan DS (2020) “Preclinical studies of MSC-derived extracellular vesicles to treat or prevent graft versus host disease: a systematic review of the literature”. Stem Cell Rev Rep 7:1-9

49. Poulter NR, Borghi C, Burger D, Castillo RR, Damasceno A, Ito S, Jose AP, Kruger R, Morgan T, Nilsson PM, Schlaich MP, Schutte AE, Stergio G, Unger T, Wainford RD, Beaney T (2019) “May Measurement Month 2018: Results of Blood Pressure Screening from 41 Countries” Eur Heart J Suppl 22(Suppl H):H1-H4. doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/suaa013

50. Sullivan KM, Scholey J, Moineddin R, Sochett E, Wicklow B, Elia Y, Xiao F, Medeiros T, Sadi P, Burger D, Mahmud FH, Dart AB (2020) “Urinary Podocyte-derived Microparticles in Youth with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes”. Diabetologia 64(2): 469-475. doi: 10.1007/s00125-020-05297-z

51. Ouellette J*, Toussay X*, Ho M, Comin CH, da F Costa L, La Calle M, Liu CY, Leclerc S, Pan Y, Liu Z, Truong Y, Yin M, Thibodeau JF, Van Dyken P, Freitas-Andrade M, Carrier M, Tremblay ME, Kennedy CRJ, Burger D, Shuhendler AJ, Stewart DJ, Lacoste B (2020) “Vascular contribution to 16p11.2 deletion autism syndrome”. Nat Neurosci 23(9): 1090-1101.

52. Beaney T, Schutte AE, Stergiou GS, Borghi C, Charchar F, Cro S, Diaz A, Damasceno A, Espeche W, Pulikkottil Jose A, Khan N, Kokubo Y, Maheshwari A, Marin MJ, More A, Neupane D, Nilsson P, Patil M, Prabhakaran D, Ramirez A, Rodriguez P, Schalich M, Tomaszewski M, Unger T, Burger D, Wang J, Williams B, Poulter NR (2020) “May Measurement Month 2019: The Global Blood Pressure Screening Campaign of the International Society of Hypertension”. Hypertension  76(2): 333-341. doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.120.14874

53. Asare-Werehene M, Communal L, Tsuyoshi H, Zhang H, Carmona E, Le T, Mes-Masson AM, Yoshida Y, Burger D, Tsang B (2020). “Plasma Gelsolin Inhibits CD8+ T Cell Function and Regulates Glutathione Production in Ovarian Cancer Chemoresistance”. Cancer Res 80(18): 3959-3971.

54. Kruger R, Brunström M, Burger D, Charchar F, Climie R, Mirabito Colafella K, Kempny P, Korostovtseva L, Marques FZ, Picone D, Romero C, Steckelings UM, Velkoska E, Wainford R, Wynne BM, Zanuzzi MG (2020) “Highlights from the International Society of Hypertension's New Investigators Network during 2019”. J Hypertens 38(5):968-973.

55. Landry C, Burger D (2020) “Hypertension and Vascular Alterations in Lupus Autoimmunity”. J Hypertens 38(7): 1257-1258.

56. Medeiros T, Myette R, Reis Almeida J, Silva AA, Burger D (2020) “Extracellular vesicles: Cell-derived biomarkers of glomerular and tubular injury”. Cell Physiol Biochem 54(1):88-109.

57. Tieu A, Slobodian M, Fergusson DA, Montroy J, Burger D, Stewart DJ, Shorr R, Allan DS (2019) “An analysis of Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Derived Extracellular Vesicles for Preclinical Use”. ACS Nano 14(8): 9728-9743.

58. Tieu A, Slobodian M, Fergusson DA, Montroy J, Burger D, Stewart DJ, Shorr R, Allan DS (2019) “Methods and efficacy of extracellular vesicles derived from mesenchymal stromal cells in animal models of disease: a preclinical systematic review protocol.”. Syst Rev 12;8(1):322

59. Renner TM, Tang VA, Burger D, Langlois MA (2019) "Intact Viral Particle Counts Measured by Flow Virometry Provides Insight into the Infectivity and Genome Packaging Efficiency of the Moloney Murine Leukemia Virus". J Virol JVI.01600-19.

60. Asare-Werehene M, Nikka K, Reunov A, Chiu CT, Lee WT, Abedini M, Wang PW, Shieh DB, Dilworth FJ, Burger D, Tsang B (2019) “The Exosome-Mediated Autocrine and Paracrine Actions of Plasma Gelsolin in Ovarian Cancer Chemoresistance” Oncogene Nov 7. doi: 10.1038/s41388-019-1087-9.

61. Nasrallah R, Zimpelmann J, Robertson SJ, Ghossein J, Gutsol A, Xiao F, Burger D, Burns KD, Hébert RL (2019) “PGE2 EP1 receptor deletion promotes glomerular podocyte and endothelial cell injury in hypertensive TTRhRen mice”. Lab Invest 100(3): 414-425.

62. Allan D, Tieu A, Lalu M, Burger D (2019) “MSC-derived extracellular vesicles for regenerative therapy and immune modulation: Progress and challenges”. Stem Cell Transl Med 9(1): 39-46.

63. Ruzicka M, Xiao F, Abujrad H, Al-Rewashdy Y, Tang VA, Langlois MA, Sorisky A, Ooi TC, Burger D (2019) “Effect of hemodialysis on extracellular vesicles and circulating submicron particles”. BMC Nephrology 20(1):294. doi: 10.1186/s12882-019-1459-y

64. Thibodeau JF, Simard JC, Holterman CE, Blais A, Cloutier MP, Medeiros T, Leduc M, Grouix B, Leblond F, Burger D, Hébert RL, Kennedy CJ, Gagnon L (2019) “PBI-4050 via GPR40 activation improves adenine-induced kidney injury in mice”. Clin Sci 133(14):1587-1602.

65. Théry C, Witwer K… Burger D et al. (2018) “Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles 2018 (MISEV2018): a position statement of the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles and update of the MISEV2014 guidelines”. J Extracell Ves Nov 23;(8): 1535750.

N.B. Authors list shortened as this guidelines document/position statement contains more than 300 co-authors. Drs. Théry and Witwer are the corresponding authors with all other authors (including DB) listed alphabetically.

66. Viñas JL, Spence M, Gutsol A, Knoll W, Burger D, Zimpelmann J, Allan DS, Burns KD (2018) “Receptor-Ligand Interaction Mediates Targeting of Endothelial Colony Forming Cell-derived Exosomes to the Kidney after Ischemic Injury”. Sci Rep 8(1):16320.

67. Ma L, Gagnon AM, Landry A, Le T, Xiao F, Sun C, Lochnan HA, Burger D, Sorisky A (2018) “Thyroid-stimulating hormone-stimulated human adipocytes express thymic stromal lymphopoietin”. Horm and Met Res 2018 50(4):325-330.

68. Munkonda MN, Akbari S, Landry C, Turner M, Sun S, Holterman CE, Nasrallah R, Hébert RL, Kennedy CRJ, Burger, D* (2018) “Podocyte-derived Microparticles Promotes Proximal Tubule Fibrotic Signaling Via p38 MAPK and CD36”. J Extracell Ves Feb 2;7(1):1432206. doi: 10.1080/20013078.2018.1432206

69. Tang VA, Renner TM, Burger D, Langlois MA (2017) “Single-Particle Discrimination of Enveloped viruses from Extracellular Vesicles by NanoScale Flow Cytometry”. Sci Rep 7(1):17769.

70. Nash LA, McFall ER, Turner M, De Repentigny Y, Burns JK, Warmon Chardon J, Burger D, Kothary R, Parks R (2017) “Survival Motor Neuron Protein is Released from Cells in Exosomes: A Potential Biomarker for Spinal Muscular Atrophy”. Sci Rep 7(1):13859.

71. Burger D*, Turner M, Xiao F, Munkonda M, Akbari S, Burns KD* (2017) “High glucose increases the formation and pro-oxidative activity of endothelial microparticles”. Diabetologia 60(9):1791-1800. Doi: 10.1007/s00125-017-4331-2

72. Akbari S, Abou-Arkoub R, Sun S, Hiremath S, Reunov A, McCormick B*, Ruzicka M*, Burger D* (2017) “Microparticle formation in peritoneal dialysis: a proof of concept study”. Can J Kid Health Dis 4:2054358117699829. doi: 10.1177/2054358117699829

73. Lytvyn Y, Xiao F, Perkins BA, Kennedy CR, Reich HN, Scholey JW, Cherney DZ, Burger D (2017) “Assessment of Urinary Microparticles in Normotensive Patients with Type 1 Diabetes”. Diabetologia, 60(3) 581-584. doi: 10.1007/s00125-016-4190-2

74. Olsen MH, Angell SY, Asma S, Boutouyrie P, Burger D, Chirinos JA, Damasceno A, Delles C, Giminez-Roqueplo A, Hering D, López-Jaramillo P, Martinez F, Perkovic V, Rietzschel ER, Schillaci G, Schutte AE, Scuteri A, Sharman JE, Wachtell K, Wang JG (2016) “A call to action and a life-course strategy to address the global burden of raised blood pressure on current and future generations: The Lancet Commission on Hypertension”. Lancet 26;388(10060):2665-2712. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(16)31134-5

75. Vinas JL, Burger D, Haneef R, Knoll W, Campbell P, Gutsol A, Carter A, Allan DS, Burns KD (2016) “Human endothelial colony forming cell-derived exosomes are enriched in microRNA-486-5p that inhibits hypoxic injury”. Kidney Int 90(6) 1238-1250.

76. Xiao F, Zimpelmann J, Burger D, Kennedy CRJ, Hebert RL, Burns KD (2016) “Protein kinase C-δ stimulates shedding of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 from proximal tubular cells”. Front Pharmacol 1;7:146.

77. Burger D, Turner M, He Y, Touyz RM (2016) “Endothelial microparticle-derived reactive oxygen species: Role in endothelial signaling and vascular function”. Oxidative Med Cell Longev 2016:5047954. Doi: 10.1155/2016/5047954

78. Burger D, Erdbrügger U, Burns KD (2015) “Re: Microparticles: markers and mediators of sepsis-induced microvascular dysfunction, immunosuppression, and acute kidney injury”. Kidney Int 88(4): 915.

79. Silver SA, Cardinal H, Colwell K, Burger D, Dickhout J (2015) “Acute kidney injury: preclinical innovations, challenges, and opportunities for translation”. Can J Kidney Health Dis 1(2):30.

80. Burger D, Viñas JL, Akbari S, Dehak H, Knoll W, Gutsol A, Touyz RM, Allan D, Burns KD (2015) “Human endothelial colony forming cells protect against acute kidney injury”. Am J Pathol 185(8) 2309-2323

81. Nasrallah R, Hassouneh R, Zimpelmann J, Karam AJ, Thibodeau JF, Burger D, Burns KD, Kennedy CR, Hébert RL (2015) “Prostaglandin E2 increases proximal tubule fluid reabsorption, and modulates cultured proximal tubule cell responses via EP1 and EP4 receptors”. Lab Invest 95(9):1044-1055.

82. Veerabhadrappa P, Burger D, Brouwers S, Christofidou P, El Bikai R, Hannah-Schmouni F, Kruger R, Marques FZ, Mian MOR, Montezano AC, Romero CA, Pena-Silva RA, Wainford RD, Charchar FJ, Schutte AE, Tomaszewski M (2015) “Across the globe in four months- two international society of hypertension new investigator symposia in 2014”. J Hypertens 33(4): 891-893.

83. Burger D, Gagnon A, Lochnan HA, Mahzari M, Sorisky A (2015) “In vivo administration of thyroid-stimulating hormone increases levels of circulating microparticles and pro-coagulant activity”. Clin Endocrinol 83(2): 285-287.

84. Thibodeau JF, Holterman CE, Burger D, Read NC, Reudelhuber TL, Kennedy CR (2014) “A novel model of advanced diabetic kidney disease”. PLoS One 16;9(12)e113459.

85. Burger D, Veerabhadrappa P, Charchar F, Schutte AE, Tomaszewski M (2014) “Report of the 3rd Annual International Society of Hypertension New Investigator Symposium”. J Hypertens 32(2):448-449.

86. Schock SC, Edrissi H, Burger D, Cadonic R, Hakim A, Thompson C (2014) “Microparticles generated during chronic cerebral ischemia deliver proapoptotic signals to cultured endothelial cells”. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 451(1) 912-917.

87. Burger D, Reudelhuber TL, Mahajan A, Chibale K, Touyz RM, Sturrock ED (2014) “Effects of a domain selective ACE inhibitor in a mouse model of chronic angiotensin II-dependent hypertension”. Clin Sci 127(1) 57-63.

88. Burger D, Thibodeau JF, Holterman CE, Burns KD, Touyz RM, Kennedy CRJ (2014) “Urinary podocyte microparticles identify pre-albuminuric diabetic glomerular injury”. J Am Soc Nephrol 25(7) 1401-1407. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2013070763

89. Burger D, Levin A (2013) “ ‘Shedding’ Light on Mechanisms of Hyperphosphatemic Vascular Dysfunction”. Kidney Int 83(2) 187-189.

90. Burger D, Schock S, Thompson CS, Montezano AC, Hakim AM, Touyz RM (2013) “Microparticles: Biomarkers and Beyond”. Clin Sci 124(7) 423-441.

91. Sedeek M, Gutsol A, Montezano AC, Burger D, Nguyen Dinh Cat A, Kennedy C.R.J, Burns KD, Cooper M, Jandeleit-Dahm K, Page P, Szyndralewiez C, Heitz F, Hebert RL, Touyz RM (2012) “Renoprotective effects of a novel Nox1/4 inhibitor in a mouse model of type 2 diabetes”. Clin Sci 124(3) 191-202.

92. Briones AM *, Nguyen Dinh Cat A *, Callera GE, Yogi A, Burger D, He Y, Correa JW, Gagnon AM, Gomez-Sanchez CE, Gomez-Sanchez EP, Sorisky A, Ooi TC, Ruzicka M, Burns KD, Touyz RM (2012) “Adipocytes Produce Aldosterone Through Calcineurin/NFAT-Dependent Signaling Pathway – Implications in Diabetes-Associated Obesity”. Hypertension 59(5) 1069-1078. *Equal contribution to this work.

93. Burger D*, Kwart DG*, Montezano AC, Read NC, Kennedy CRJ, Thompson CS, Touyz RM (2012) “Microparticles Induce Cell Cycle Arrest Through Redox-Sensitive Processes in Endothelial Cells: Implications in Vascular Senescence”. J Am Heart Assoc 1:e001842. * Equal contribution to this work .

94. Burger D, Gutsol A, Carter A, Allan D, Touyz RM, Burns KD (2012) “Human Cord Blood CD133+ Cells Exacerbate Ischemic Acute Kidney Injury in Mice”. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 27(10) 3781-3789.

95. Veerabhadrappa P, Charchar F, Burger D, Tomaszewski M, Carlberg B (2012) “Leading the Change: Second International Society of Hypertension New Investigators’ Symposium”. J Hypertens 31(2) 429-430.

96. Nguyen Dinh Cat A, Montezano AC, Burger D, Touyz RM (2012) “Angiotensin II, NADPH Oxidase and Redox Signaling in the Vasculature”. Antioxid Redox Signal 19 (10) 1110-1120.

97. Burger D, Veerabhadrappa P, Carlberg B, Charchar F, Tomaszewski M, Harrap S, Touyz RM (2012) “Report of the 1st ISH Trainee/New Investigator Symposium- A Global Hypertension Initiative”. J Hypertens 30 (3) 631-632.

98. Veerabhadrappa P, Burger D, Carlberg B, Charchar F, Tomaszewski M, Harrap S, Touyz RM (2012) “Council for High Blood Pressure Research/InterAmerican Society of Hypertension/International Society of Hypertension-First New Investigators Symposium at the High Blood Pressure Research 2011 Scientific Sessions”. Hypertension 59(2) 382-383.

99. Burger D, Touyz RM (2012) “Cellular Biomarkers of Endothelial Health: Microparticles, Endothelial Progenitor Cells, and Circulating Endothelial Cells”. J Am Soc Hypertens 6(2) 85-99.

100. Burger D, Montezano AC, Nishigaki N, Touyz RM (2011) “Endothelial Microparticle Formation by Ang II is Mediated by AT1R/NADPH oxidase/Rho kinase Pathways Targeted to Lipid Rafts”. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 31(8) 1898-1907. https://doi.org/10.1161/atvbaha.110.222703

101. Burger D, Feng Q (2011) “Protective Role of Nitric Oxide Against Cardiac Arrhythmia- An Update”. The Open Nitric Oxide Journal 3(Suppl 1-M6) 38-47.

102. Veerabhadrappa P, Burger D, Carlberg B, Charchar F, Tomaszewski M, Harrap S (2011) “ISH Hypertension Future Leaders Group: a Network for New Investigators Run by New Investigators”. J Hypertens 29(8) 1664-1665.

103. Savoia C, Burger D, Nishigaki N, Montezano AC, Touyz RM (2011) “Angiotensin II and the Vascular Phenotype in Hypertension”. Expert Rev Mol Med (13) e11.

104. Montezano AC, Zimmerman D, Yusuf H, Burger D, Chignalia AZ, Wadhera V, Van Leeuwen FN, Touyz RM (2010) “Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Differentiation to an Osteogenic Phenotype Involves TRPM7 - Modulation by Magnesium”. Hypertension 56(3) 453-462.

105. Montezano AC, Burger D, Paravicini TM, Chignalia AZ, Yusuf H, Almasri M, He Y, Callera GE, He G, Krause KH, Lambeth D, Quinn MT, Touyz RM (2010) “Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Reduced Oxidase 5 (Nox5) Regulation by Angiotensin II and Endothelin-1 is Mediated via Calcium/Calmodulin-dependent, Rac-1-Independent Pathways in Human Endothelial Cells”. Circ Res 106(8) 1363-1373.

106. Touyz RM, Briones AM, Sedeek M, Burger D, Montezano AC (2010) “Nox Isoforms and Reactive Oxygen Species in Vascular Health”. Mol Interv (1) 27-35.

107. Montezano AC, Burger D, Ceravolo GS, Yusuf H, Montero M, Touyz RM (2010) “Novel Nox Homologues in the Vasculature: Focusing on Nox4 and Nox5”. Clin Sci 120 (4) 131-141.

108. Burger D, Nishigaki N, Touyz RM (2010) “New Insights into Molecular Mechanisms of Hypertension”. Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens 19(2) 160-162.

109. Burger DE*, Lu X*, Lei M, Xiang F, Hammoud L, Jiang M, Wang H, Jones DL, Sims SM, Feng Q (2009) “Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase Protects Against Myocardial Infarction-Induced Ventricular Arrhythmia and Mortality in Mice”. Circulation 120(14) 1345-1354. *Equal contribution to this work.

110. Burger DE, Xiang FL, Hammoud L, Jones DL, Feng Q (2009) “Erythropoietin Protects the Heart from Ventricular Arrhythmia During Ischemia and Reperfusion via Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase”. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 329(3) 900-907.

111. Hammoud L, Burger D, Lu X and Feng Q. (2009) “Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase-3 Inhibits Neonatal Mouse Cardiomyocyte Proliferation via EGFR/JNK/SP-1 signaling”. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 296(4) C735-C745.

112. Burger D, Xenocostas A, Feng Q (2009) “Molecular Basis of Cardioprotection by Erythropoietin”. Current Mol Pharm 2(1) 56-69.

113. Burger DE, Xiang F, Hammoud L, Lu X, Feng Q (2009) “Role of Heme Oxygenase-1 in the Cardioprotective Effects of Erythropoietin during Myocardial Ischemia and Reperfusion”. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 296(1) H84-H93.

114. Geoghegan-Morphet N*, Burger D*, Lu X, Satish V, Peng T,ol Sims SM, Feng Q (2007) “Role of Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase in Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha Expression in Neonatal Mouse Cardiomyocytes”. Cardiovasc Res 75(2) 408-416. *Equal contribution to this work.

115. Burger D, Lei, M., Geoghegan-Morphet N, Lu X, Xenocostas A, Feng Q (2006) “Erythropoietin Protects Cardiomyocytes from Apoptosis via Up-regulation of Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase”. Cardiovasc Res 72(1):51-9.

116. Lepic E, Burger D, Lu X, Song W, Feng Q (2006) “Lack of Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Decreases Cardiomyocyte Proliferation and Delays Cardiac Maturation”. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 291:C1240-C1246.

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