Selected Publications
Kolodziejczyk, S.M., Wang,
L., Balaszi, K., DeRepentigny, Y., Kothary, R., and Megeney, L.A. (1999). MEF2 activity is upregulated during cardiac
hypertrophy and is required for normal post-natal growth of the myocardium.
Curr. Biol. 9, 1203-1206.
Fernando, P.S., Kelly, J.F.,
Balazsi, K., Slack, R.S., and Megeney,
L.A. (2002). Caspase 3 activity is required for skeletal muscle
differentiation. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA. 99.
Hierlihy, A, Seale, P.S,
Lobe, C.G., Rudnicki, M.A., and Megeney,
L.A. (2002). The post-natal heart
contains a myocardial stem cell population.
FEBS Letters. 530, 239-243.
Fernando, P.S., Brunette, S., and Megeney,
L.A. (2005). Differentiation
of neural stem cells depends on endogenous caspase 3 activity. FASEB J.,19, 1671-1673.
Abdul-Ghani, M., and Megeney, L.A. (2008).
Rehabilitation of a contract killer: Caspase 3 directs stem cell differentiation.
Cell Stem Cell, 2, 515-516.
Larsen, B.D., Rampalli, S., Burns, L.,
Dilworth, F.J. and Megeney, L.A.
(2010). Caspase 3/Caspase activated
DNase promote cell differentiation by inducing DNA strand breaks. Proc.Nat.Acad.Sci.USA. 107, 4230-4235.
Lee, R.E., Brunette ,S., Puente, L.G. and
Megeney, L.A. (2010). Metacaspase
Yca1 is required for clearance of insoluble protein aggregates.
Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA.107, 13348-13353.
Abdul-Ghani, M., Dufort, D.,
Stiles, R., De Repentigny, Y., Kothary, R. and
Megeney, L.A. (2011). Wnt11
promotes cardiomyocyte development by caspase mediated suppression of canonical
Wnt signals. Mol.Cell.Biol. 31, 163-178.
A., Puente, L., Brunette, S., and Megeney,
L.A. (2013). The role of Yca1 in Proteostasis. Yca1 Regulates
the Composition of the Insoluble Proteome.
J. Proteomics, 81, 24-30.
Dick, S.A. and Megeney, L.A. (2013). Cell
death proteins: An evolutionary role in cellular adaptation before the advent
of apoptosis. Bioessays, 35, 974-983.
Putinski, C., Abdul-Ghani, M., Stiles,
R., Brunette, S., Dick, S.A., Fernando, P.S., and Megeney, L.A. (2013). Intrinsic-mediated caspase activation is
essential for cardiomyocyte hypertrophy. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA., 110,
S.A. Chang, N.C., Dumont, N.A., Bell, R., Putinski, C., Kawabe, Y., Litchfield,
D.W., Rudnicki, M.A. and Megeney, L.A.
(2015). Caspase 3 cleavage of Pax7 inhibits self-renewal of satellite cells. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA., 112, E5246-5252.
M., Blake, L., Larsen, B.D., Bell, R.A., Brunette, S., Parks, R.J., Rudnicki,
M.A., McKinnon, P.J., Dilworth, F.J. and Megeney,
L.A. (2016). Temporal activation of XRCC-1 mediated DNA repair is essential
for muscle differentiation. Cell
Discovery, 2, 15041.