Cancer Immunology Lab

Cancer Immunology Lab

Michele Ardolino profile picture

Contact Information

News From The Lab

September 2019:
Great job Jonathan and Maria: our review on NK cells in cancer immunotherapy is out in the Journal of Clinical Investigation!!!!!

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August 2019: Congrats to Jonathan!!!! His project was funded by the Cancer Research Society!!!!
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August 2019: We secured a grant from the University of Ottawa to study human sarcomas in collaboration with our favourite surgeon Dr. Carolyn Nessim!!! Thanks uOttawa!!!

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April 2019: Thanks to Ride for Dad for their continuous support!
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April 2019: Congrats to Cynthia for being awarded a CIHR Master Scholarship!
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March 2019: Congrats to Jonathan for being awarded a CIHR Doctoral Research Award!Bitmoji Image