Cancer Immunology Lab

Cancer Immunology Lab

Michele Ardolino profile picture

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Selected Publications

1. Hsu J.+, Hodgins J.J.+, Marathe M., Nicolai C.J., Bourgeois-Daigneault M.C., Trevino T.N., Azimi C.S., Scheer A.K., Randolph H.E., Thompson T.W., Zhang L., Iannello A., Mathur N., Jardine K.E., Kirn G.A., Bell J.C., McBurney M.W., Raulet D.H. and Ardolino M. Contribution of NK cells to immunotherapy mediated by PD-1/PD-L1 blockade. The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2018, 128(10):4654-4688
2.  Ardolino M., Azimi C.S., Iannello A., Trevino T.N., Horan L., Zhang L., Deng W., Ring A. Fischer S., Garcia K.C., Raulet D.H. Cytokine therapy reverses NK cell anergy in MHC-deficient tumors. The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2014, 124 (11):4781-94
3.  Ardolino M., Zingoni A., Cerboni C., Cecere F., Soriani A., Iannitto M.L., Santoni A. DNAM-1 ligands expression on Ag-stimulated T lymphocytes is mediated by ROS-dependent activation of DNA-damage response: relevance for NK-T-cell interaction. Blood, 2011, 117 (18); 4778-86

All Other Publications

1)    Cerboni C., Ardolino M., Santoni A, Zingoni A. Detuning CD8+ T lymphocytes by down-regulation of the activating receptor NKG2D: role of NKG2D ligands released by activated T cells. Blood, 2009, 113; 2955-64
2)    Zingoni A., Cerboni C., Ardolino M., Santoni A. Modulation of T-cell mediated immune responses by Natural Killer cells (Chapter 17). in J. Zimmer (Ed): Natural Killer Cells, at the forefront of modern immunology. Springer, 2010  
3)    Ardolino M., Zingoni A., Cerboni C., Cecere F., Soriani A., Iannitto M.L., Santoni A. DNAM-1 ligands expression on Ag-stimulated T lymphocytes is mediated by ROS-dependent activation of DNA-damage response: relevance for NK-T-cell interaction. Blood, 2011, 117 (18); 4778-86  
4)    Zingoni A., Ardolino M., Santoni S., Cerboni C. NKG2D and DNAM-1 activating receptors and their ligands in NK-T cell interactions: role in the NK cell-mediated negative regulation of T cell responses. Frontiers in Immunology, 2013, 3; 408  
5)    Sheppard S., Triulzi C., Ardolino M., Serna D., Raulet D.H., Guerra N. Characterization of a novel NKG2D and NKp46 double-mutant mouse reveals subtle variations in the NK cell repertoire. Blood, 2013, 121 (25); 5025-33  
6)    Iannello A., Thompson T.W., Ardolino M., Lowe S.W., Raulet D.H. p53-dependent chemokine production by senescent tumor cells supports NKG2D-dependent tumor elimination by natural killer cells. The Journal of Experimental Medicine, 2013, 210 (10); 2057-69  
7)    Bekerman E., Jeon D., Ardolino M., Coscoy L. A role for host activation-induced cytidine deaminase in innate immune defense against KSHV. Plos Pathogens, 2013, 9 (11); e1003748  
8)    Marcus A., Gowen B.G., Thompson T., Iannello A., Ardolino M., Deng W., Wang L., Shifrin N., Raulet D.H. Recognition of tumors by the innate immune system and natural killer cells. Advances in Immunology, 2014, 122:91-128  
9)    Shifrin N., Raulet D.H., Ardolino M. NK cell tolerance, responsiveness and missing self recognition. Seminars in Immunology, 2014, 26 (2):138-44  
10) Ardolino M., Azimi C.S., Iannello A., Trevino T.N., Horan L., Zhang L., Deng W., Ring A. Fischer S., Garcia K.C., Raulet D.H. Cytokine therapy reverses NK cell anergy in MHC-deficient tumors. The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2014, 124 (11):4781-94  
11) Ardolino M., Hsu J., Raulet D.H. Cytokine treatment in cancer immunotherapy. Oncotarget, 2015, 14; 6(23): 1936-7  
12) Iannello A., Thompson T.W., Ardolino M., Marcus A., Raulet D.H. Immunosurveillance of tumors by innate immune cells. Current Opinion in Immunology, 2016, 38: 52-8  
13) Ardolino M., Raulet D.H. Cytokine therapy restores anti-tumor responses of NK cells rendered anergic in MHC I-deficient tumors. Oncoimmunology, 2016, 5(1): e1002725  
14) Spiegel A., Houshyar S., Brooks M., Reinhardt F., Ardolino M., Fessler E., DeCock J., Zervantonakis I. K., Ng Eaton E., Iwamoto Y., Cortez-Retamozo V., Pittet M. K., Raulet D. H., Weinberg R.A.        Neutrophils suppress intraluminal NK tumor cell clearance and enhance extravasation. Cancer Discovery, 2016, 6(6): 630-49  
15) Tovbis Shifrin N., Kissov D.U.*, Ardolino M.*, Joncker N., Raulet D.H. Differential role of hematopoietic and nonhematopoietic cell types in the regulation of NK cell tolerance and responsiveness. The Journal of Immunology, 2016, 197(10):4127-36 * Equal contribution  
16)  Hsu J., Hodgins J.J., Marathe M., Nicolai C.J., Bourgeois-Daigneault M.C., Trevino T.N., Azimi C.S., Scheer A.K., Randolph H.E., Thompson T.W., Zhang L., Iannello A., Mathur N., Jardine K.E., Kirn G.A., Bell J.C., McBurney M.W., Raulet D.H. and Ardolino M. Contribution of NK cells to immunotherapy mediated by PD-1/PD-L1 blockade. The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2018, 128(10):4654-4688 

PubMed Listings

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