Albert Lab

Albert Lab

Paul Albert profile picture

Contact Information

Paul Albert, PhD
613-562-5800 8307

OHRI (Neuroscience)
451 Smyth Road
Ottawa, ON K1H-8M5

ORCID logo

Awards And Honours

1996 CIHR/Novartis Michael Smith Chair in Neuroscience

1999 First Annual Mentoring Award, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa

2000 John Dewan Prize, Ontario Mental Health Foundation, Ontario

2008 Vice-President, Canadian College of Psychopharmacology

2010 President-Elect, Canadian College of Psychopharmacology

2012 President, Canadian College of Psychopharmacology

2012 Schaefer Research Scholarship, Columbia University, NY

2014 Past-President, Canadian College of Psychopharmacology

2015 Dr. Tony Hakim Stroke Research Award, Canadian Partnership for Stroke Recovery

2017 Heinz Lehmann Award, Canadian College of Neuropsychopharmacology

2019 Grimes Research Career Achievement Award, OHRI

2022 F.C. MacIntosh Lectureship Keynote Lecture, McGill University