Albert Lab

Albert Lab

Paul Albert profile picture

Contact Information

Paul Albert, PhD
613-562-5800 8307

OHRI (Neuroscience)
451 Smyth Road
Ottawa, ON K1H-8M5

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2020-25, Overcoming resistance to antidepressant treatment, Canadian Institutes of Health Research

2021-26, Astroglial cells as mediators of sex and hormone- dependent differences in depressive like behaviours. (PI: Natalina Salmaso), Canadian Institutes of Health Research

2022-2025, Enhancing neuroplasticity for behavioral recovery post-stroke, Heart & Stroke Foundation Canada

2022-2024, Common alpha-synuclein-inflammatory routes to Parkinson’s disease and co-morbid depression. (PI: Shawn Hayley), MITACS Accelerate

2023-2024, The GPCR Retreat 2023. Co-Applicants: SSG Ferguson, M Tiberi, F Liu, G Pineyro, M Bouvier, Y Berchiche, A Ramsey. Canadian Institutes of Health Research - Institute of Genetics Dissemination Grant