Selected Publications
P, MacPherson P, Orser L, Jacob JD,
Holmes D (2019) Clinical considerations and protocols for nurse-led PrEP. J.
Assoc Nurses AIDS Care. 30(3):301-311
Singh A, Tan D, Hull M, Bogoch,
I, MacPherson P, Tremblay C, Shafran
S, (2018) Canadian guidelines on HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and
non-occupational post-exposure prophylaxis (nPEP): Discussion beyond guidelines
and commentary on the role of infectious disease specialists, JAMMI. 3(4):165-177.
Morrison SA, Yoong D, Hart TA, MacPherson P, Bogoch I, Sivarajah V,
Gough K, Naccarato M, Tan DHS. (2018) High prevalence of syndemic health
problems in patients seeking post-exposure prophylaxis for sexual exposures to
HIV. PLoS One. 23;13(5):e0197998.
P, MacPherson P, Orser L. (2018)
Nurse-Led PEP program used by men at high risk for HIV seroconversion. J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care. 29(4):550-559.
Grace D, Jollimore J, MacPherson P, Strang MJP, Tan DHS. The Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis
(PrEP)-Stigma Paradox: Learning from Canada's First Wave of PrEP Users. (2018) AIDS Patient Care STDS. 32(1):24-30.
DHS, Hull MW, Yoong D, Tremblay C, O'Byrne P, Thomas R, Kille J, Baril JG, Cox
J, Giguere P, Harris M, Hughes C, MacPherson
P, O'Donnell S, Reimer J, Singh A, Barrett L, Bogoch I, Jollimore J,
Lambert G, Lebouche B, Metz G, Rogers T, Shafran S. (2017)
Canadian guideline on HIV pre-exposure
prophylaxis and nonoccupational postexposure prophylaxis. CMAJ. 2017 27;189(47):E1448-E1458.
M, Chartrand-Lefebvre C, Baril JG, Trottier S, Trottier B, Harris M, Walmsley
S, Conway B, Wong A, Routy JP, Kovacs C, MacPherson
PA, Monteith KM, Mansour S, Thanassoulis G, Abrahamowicz M, Zhu Z, Tsoukas
C, Ancuta P, Bernard N, Tremblay CL. (2017) The Canadian HIV and aging cohort
study - determinants of increased risk of cardio-vascular diseases in
HIV-infected individuals: rationale and study protocol.
BMC Infect Dis. 17(1):611.
Nama N,
MacPherson P, Sampson M, McMillan
HJ. (2017) Medical students' perception of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender
(LGBT) discrimination in their learning environment and their self-reported
comfort level for caring for LGBT patients: a survey study. Med Educ. Online. 22(1):1368850.
L., Wiebe, S., Cameron, W.D., Sandre, D., Pipe, A., Cooper, C., Angel, J.,
Garber, G., Holly, C., Dalgleish, D., Tasca, G.A. and MacPherson, P. (2017) An HIV tailored quit-smoking counselling
pilot intervention targeting depressive symptoms plus Nicotine Replacement
Therapy. AIDS Care. 29 (1):24-31