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Contact Information

Paul MacPherson, PhD, MD, FRCPC
613-737-8899 ex 73917

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Research Activities

My overarching goal is to ensure through research, clinical care and education, gay and other men who have sex with men in Ontario have access to and are engaged and retained in informed, relevant, and comprehensive healthcare. Together, we work with community groups, community members, clinicians, mental health professionals and researchers to drive change. Our work is in part guided by results from two large surveys of gay men which we conducted, one in the Champlain LHIN (674 respondents) and one across all Ontario (1960 respondents). These surveys enquired about the current health and health priorities of gay men and how gay men prefer to access healthcare. Using the information provided by the population we serve, our goals are to (a) better understand the current deficiencies in healthcare from the perspective of gay men, (b) engage gay men in their health and in healthcare through on-line resources, (c) support primary care providers in the delivery of care to gay men through development of learning modules and clinical practice guidelines, (d) adapt existing technology to make healthcare more accessible to gay men, and (e) contribute to the development of new knowledge aimed to improve the health of gay men in Ontario. Throughout, our approach is gay-positive, gay-informed, community-oriented and empowering, and engages both gay men and healthcare providers.